In need of friends and healthy motivation!

edited November 10 in Introduce Yourself
So I'm not exactly new here, but I never really made that many friends.. But I feel like its great motivation to see people doing so well when you log-in!

A little about me:

My name is Emily, I'm 18 and I live in the UK. I've been propperly trying to lose weight for 9 days now, and so far I've lost about 3lbs! (I slacked a little at the weekend D:) I've tried losing weight before, and not in a very healthy way. I've struggled with my weight and disordered eating for about 5 years now, and that has lead to me finding it hard to do it the healthy way. So far I seem to be doing well, but some extra support would be amazing!

Tell me a little about yourself, or send me a request!

I'd love to get to know some more of you!


  • Hi Emily! Stray strong.. I'm 19 and live in Brasil.
    Good lucky.
  • Ifieca
    Ifieca Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Emily, I'm Ifey... I'm in the same position as you sorta. I've used fitnesspal off and on for about two years but sticking with it this time... It really helps to see how much you eat... Well done for losing! Keep it up.... :)
  • ninayoungdog617
    ninayoungdog617 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Emily, I'm Leslie. I'm new to MFP but I'd like to be your friend. I live in Florida, USA. I've lost 18 lbs in 50 days. You can do this.
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