maybe this time...

Bethel3330 Posts: 6
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I've never posted here in the forums. The only time I ever lost weight by counting calories was with this app, so I'm here to try it again and hopefully stick with it. My chiropractor says the best advice for people who are trying to lose weight is to KEEP TRYING, that eventually it will work. Something will click for me, eventually, I'm sure.
I've incorporated this with my fitbit and adding friends and joining challenges wherever I can. Hopefully this will be motivation.
In short, I'm a married 36 year old mother of a 5 year old, from WV. I have about 70 pounds to lose. I work fulltime and have a sedentary job 45 minutes from home, which makes things difficult. I like to sleep too much!


  • Way to go you for coming back!! That's an accomplishment in itself. :)
  • Thank you! :smiley:
  • ajarosz78
    ajarosz78 Posts: 14 Member
    Im 36..mother of a 2 yr old..sedentary job.. work 9 to 5 ..5 days a week. Im 248 and dr says 159 to 160 is my goal. Praying for support and that i can do it!! Add me if u want :)