Went from 330 to 295 back to 310 on my own. Time to give MFP a try!

Hey everybody. I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way. I have the worst diet and I offset it enough to lose 35 lbs just with extra exercise but at this point not only have I hit a plateau, I'm starting to put on weight again!

I am trying to change a lot about my lifestyle. Cutting out soda and cigarettes is probably my biggest hurdle. I love to cook and have been trying to do it more often. Ideally, I'd love to cook 3 meals a day all week but being bipolar makes it... difficult sometimes! But I am hopeful. Learning to cook ahead of time has been a big help, I just have to do it!

I'm 28, looking to lose about 110-120 lbs eventually. I would be happy with 190-200. I am 6 feet tall and have always been a big guy, though I only got to be obese around my late teens. Thanks for reading my little rant and I hope to be making a success post by the end of the year, at least on being on track to losing a whole lot of weight and keeping it off!