Starting over! Any other nerds on here?



  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I prefer "geek." Sending a friend request.
  • jcs01s
    jcs01s Posts: 2 Member
    Always proud to meet another sci fi fan. It does get difficult to talk to too many people about it. Glad you're here.
  • Eggsweet
    Eggsweet Posts: 20 Member
    I don't have enough know how to be a nerd, not enough tech stuff to be a geek. Got the social graces of all those though. I like rpgs and Game of Thrones.

    Good luck!
  • I'm also starting over. One thing I've found helpful is eating only 400 calories per meal and walking a lot. I personally,as I am a major Tolkien fan, try to walk 458-460 miles (the distance from Hobbiton to Rivendell) in two months or less.
  • Comic book and super Harry Potter need. Also love to Cosplay!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Can I brag? I have a death star ice cube maker. Perfect if you like chilled brown liquor.

    We got two of these in the mail today!
  • Justanotherpersn
    Justanotherpersn Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a huge Marvel comic book nerd, Star Wars, Star Trek, Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Lotr fan! I have personally found comfort in the website Nerd Fitness, they are a website all about being nerds while breaking nerd status quo as to speak. You should definitely check them out!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I file my comics in this order Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians 3000, Coffin Hill, Hinterkind, Uncanny Avengers. I have all of the Star Wars Expanded Universe books on .mobi and .epub depending if I want to read on my kindle or surface tablet. I watch Big Trouble in Little China 2-3 times a month. Billy Zabka was the Karate kid, not Ralph Macchio. If I won a 400 million powerball lottery, I'd fund a live action Voltron movie. Han Shot first. Pirates of Dark Water is Hannah Barbara's best work.

    Shall I keep talkin nerdy or are you ready to track your calories in/out and lose some weight.

    This post netted me 0 nerd friend requests!
  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    My phone has issues getting to profile so I'm going to send out friend requests in a few days when I'm on my PC, feel free to add me though!
  • So I lost about 30 pounds last year and proceeded to gain back 50, so here I am starting over again. Looking to add some more friends on here (Most of the ones I added back in the day aren't active any more).
    I'm a super SciFi nerd
    Also I work in Sports Nutrition so that's cool too I guess
    I do standup comedy
    My favorite foods are pizza and mac'n'cheese
    I love beer
    Dieting is hard and it sucks.

    Dieting can be hard... it's all in your mindset... a diet is short term and hard to stick to. If you want to lose weight you have to make lifestyle changes, these changes don't go away. These changes will be altered to maintain weight lose once goal weight is achieved. Lifestyle changes are hard work and take long term dedication. I think you're up for the challenge. You already know how to lose the weight now to learn how to maintain it! Take the next step this time, I know you will succeed!

  • vanartsdalen2
    vanartsdalen2 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, see, I don't like Lifestyle changes, I like pizza.
  • webuiltthisnicky
    webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
    Woohoo, nerd thread!!

    I'm mostly a gaming nerd, but I also love sci fi and superhero movies.
  • Hennersby
    Hennersby Posts: 9 Member
    logicman69 wrote: »
    <<<< Has lightsaber on desk, plays D&D online regularly, collects Star Wars book... I was Nerdy before Nerd was cool

    Doesn't that also make you a hipster? ;)
  • Kateabh18
    Kateabh18 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a massive fan of doctor who, Sherlock, LOTR and Harry potter feel free to add me (:
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    You had me at mac and cheese. My weakness. Personally, I've been into video games since I was a child (was mostly player 2 cause I was the younger sibling), I watch way too many shows - Doctor Who, Supernatural, Arrow, The Flash, Walking Dead are some examples of what I've been watching lately. I love Batman villains a little too much, and currently am branching off into comics. Been reading the first Walking Dead compendium recently!

    As for weight loss, I'm coming up on my 6 month mark with a starting weight of 282, and currently am sitting around 224.4 (though it's being stubborn lately). I primarily use the Zombies, Run! app on my phone. Feel free to add me/send me messages whenever! I love meeting new people. :smile:
  • hemmymomma
    hemmymomma Posts: 22 Member
    I love this thread
  • HunterKiller
    HunterKiller Posts: 361 Member
    Guilty as charged. Too much to list.Mostly scifi fantasy type stuff and gaming. Skyrim nut. Feel free to add. :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
  • MMORPG fangirl & Comic Con worshipper rt here! <3
  • What an awesome group of people. ^_^ I personally love Star Wars, Captain America, Dune, Walking Dead, Supernatural..... and soooo many others!