So....hi there!

Once more into the fray! Seriously, who hasn't tried to lose a few pounds before? So here I am, working again to improve my lifestyle and be a healthier person. I think I might have it figured out this time.

I was pretty athletic as a kid, active as an adult, then let a bad marriage sabotage all my healthy habits. I'm relearning portion control and exercise, which I'm pretty good at - my downfall was alcohol. Aforementioned bad marriage was a great excuse for disappearing into a wine bottle.

Well, it's taken me five years to get it all straightened out again, and I'm in control of the drinking part now. More than anything, I needed to get my HEAD straightened out - everything else was in place except my mental readiness. That really was the final piece to the puzzle.

So! Briefly, I'm a chubby middle-aged single mom to two grown sons, and I'm reclaiming my life. Huzzah!


  • Hi there. I'm new to this. Never tried dieting before but have found the need now as I'm 13 stone and not fit to bend down to put my socke on. This fitness pal is a great app but I'm still craving the chocolate
  • Ann_Marie_76
    Ann_Marie_76 Posts: 152 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been on here for a while with awesome success. I love to help others.
  • NeverShoutShelby
    NeverShoutShelby Posts: 1 Member
    I know how it is to fall into a negative situation and let it destroy you. I recently had a breakdown because of all the stress I was under. But I realize so much now that I couldn't see before! I think for myself my weakness will be keeping myself busy when I start to crave anything and especially junk food. So if anyone knows my situation and wants motivation, add me. :) I'll be your support and you'll be mine. Good luck and don't give up.