Non-Weight loss Fitness Goals.

Hi all!

While I have probably 60-70 pounds left to lose, I've set some non-weight loss goals for the year. Quite frankly, weight loss bores me. When people start talking about their new diet I instantly go to sleep in my head. While I make little tweaks here and there and it's generally in my nature to eat fairly healthily (albiet A LOT, which is what got me here), I think the forumla is simple: Eat less, exercise more.

At any rate, I'm interested to connect with some people who have some fitness goals outside of weight loss goals.

Mine are:

Be able to do a straight legged, hands on floor forward bend by the end of March (my hamstrings are wound up like a vice).

10 regular push ups by the end of May

Unassisted chin up by the end of the year.

What about you? Please also feel free to add me if you're interested in cheering one another on!


  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    YES! I have been *trying to lose weight* since the dawn of time. F-that. I am focused on fitness goals and on developing better eating habits. (I do hope the better eating habits will lead to a little weight loss. But one thing at a time.)

    My goals for 2015 are
    - run a 5k without taking a walking break
    - be able to do one pull up
    - be able to do one full push up

    My goals aren't crazy big... but to do a pull up? I have never done one in my life. I've been working at them for a little while now. I can now pull myself up about three inches. When I started off, I could barely dangle from the bar.

    My pushups... I can get about 40% of the way down and back up again.

    5k - I can now run one mile in 12 mins without stopping. Certianly not the best time I have ever had (in 2011, I could run a mile in under 10 mins) but last year at this time, running at 12 min/mile pace for just a full minute was a struggle.
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    YES! I have been *trying to lose weight* since the dawn of time. F-that. I am focused on fitness goals and on developing better eating habits. (I do hope the better eating habits will lead to a little weight loss. But one thing at a time.)

    My goals for 2015 are
    - run a 5k without taking a walking break
    - be able to do one pull up
    - be able to do one full push up

    My goals aren't crazy big... but to do a pull up? I have never done one in my life. I've been working at them for a little while now. I can now pull myself up about three inches. When I started off, I could barely dangle from the bar.

    My pushups... I can get about 40% of the way down and back up again.

    5k - I can now run one mile in 12 mins without stopping. Certianly not the best time I have ever had (in 2011, I could run a mile in under 10 mins) but last year at this time, running at 12 min/mile pace for just a full minute was a struggle.

    I've thought about adding a running goal, so maybe that will be next. I just kind of...don't like it. So maybe swimming or something for cardiovascular.

    Let's be friends!
  • scratchybike
    scratchybike Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also aiming to do a full unassisted pull up!
  • Squat 250 lbs+, deadlift 300 lbs+, bench 125 lbs+ by the end of 2015!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    400 lbs squat and deadlift, 200 clean and jerk (I can clean that much, just can't jerk it) and 175 snatch.

    At least one unassisted pullup by my birthday in April. This is largely a function of bodyweight for me. I could almost do one at 285. Under 280 and I think it's doable.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I love lifting. My goals for that are to hit a 300# deadlift, 275# squat and 160# bench by March 1st. That is my three year anniversary of changing my life from sedentary and out of shape to fit and healthy. By most people's standards I'm still fat, but I love my life and my body. I no longer weigh myself and do not have a "goal" weight. The only weight I care about is the number on the bar.
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    I love lifting. My goals for that are to hit a 300# deadlift, 275# squat and 160# bench by March 1st. That is my three year anniversary of changing my life from sedentary and out of shape to fit and healthy. By most people's standards I'm still fat, but I love my life and my body. I no longer weigh myself and do not have a "goal" weight. The only weight I care about is the number on the bar.

    275 squat! Good on you! Thinking about it makes my butt hurt!
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Running a 5K under 30 minutes. Swimming a mile without stopping. I'm working my way up to a sprint triathlon someday! But I work best with mini-goals. And a pull-up. Good grief, those are hard!!!!
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    My goal is to finish a marathon. I have run many 1/2 marathons but never a full one before. I will running that on Jan 25th...eekkk that is really close. I have been training for the full since late Sept/Oct time frame. I am excited, scared and overwhelmed all at the same time. I am just ready to get on with it! :D
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    chriscolh wrote: »
    Running a 5K under 30 minutes. Swimming a mile without stopping. I'm working my way up to a sprint triathlon someday! But I work best with mini-goals. And a pull-up. Good grief, those are hard!!!!

    I'm a former swimmer, so I'm thinking some kind of swim goal might be a good one for me. How far do you swim now? I pass the pool on my way to the weight room and feel myself itching to get in there. Plus there's the added bonus of having an excuse to hop in the hot tub when I'm done.

    I forgot another goal. It's sort of weight loss related, but more back muscle related: No longer have a weird back fat bulge under my bra. Where does that even COME from?!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Mine are all running related

    - 50k race in June
    - run a sub 4 hour marathon (August)
    - 100k race at the end of September
    - run 2015 miles (or more) in 2015
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    aarar wrote: »
    Mine are all running related

    - 50k race in June
    - run a sub 4 hour marathon (August)
    - 100k race at the end of September
    - run 2015 miles (or more) in 2015

    Good god! You go!
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Complete my EMT training and a 5k by the end of the year :D
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    Complete my EMT training and a 5k by the end of the year :D

    Is the EMT training and certification crazy?
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    I have a whole list of goals for 2015 (and beyond). I like having, and completing, goals.

    Reach 10% body fat (been trying for 2 years and keep stalling around 12%)

    Weight lifting: Bench 1x my body weight, squat 1.5x and dead lift 2x.

    Pushups: Do 3sets of 50 pushups with only 1 min break between. (used to be able to)
    Do 1 set of 100 pushups (Likely not happening in 2015)
    Do 1,000 pushups in 1 hour. (I did 1,000 in <90min a couple years ago)
    Do 50,000 push-ups in 2015.

    Pull-ups: 3 sets of 10 with only 1 min break between

    Hike: Complete a 105 mile section of the AT trail in 3 1/2 days (did it in 4 days 1 1/2 years ago).

    Do my 16mile loop 3 times at over 20mph (solo) (have done it 3 times before just not in the same season)
    Do my 16 mile loop in 45min or under (solo) (currently my record is 47.5 min)
    Do a (flat) 22 mile loop in under 60 min. (group)
    Do a (flat) 22 mile loop while keeping up with the fastest group of bikers (they average around 22.8mph)
    Do a 200km (185 mile) ride in 1 day.
    Do 2,500miles and 125,000 feet of climbing in 2015

    And a few other I have not thought of yet.
  • oyvkor
    oyvkor Posts: 1
    Hi Meg

    I'm new here and not sure what I'm doing, but I know not here to loose a sertaion amount of weight. I think I just want to get more aware of what I eat and how that food effects me. And of course, I enjoy being in tip top shape, so getting more aware of my diet will help me reach my goal.

    I have signed up, together with some friends, for Though Mudder in London on the 2nd of May, so for me that's the best motivation - I want to reach the finish line and do all the obstacles on my way :)
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Mine are lifting related as well. Improve from => to
    Squat 405 => 450
    Dead lift 405 => 450
    Bench 245=> 265

    I'd also like break 12 min 2 mile run and 19 min 3 mile. Currently, my recent best on those are 13:15 and 19:55 respectively.
  • MegBMin
    MegBMin Posts: 39 Member
    I'm liking this having a # of something done in a year goals you all have. I'll have to consider one.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My goals for this year are a 150kg (330lb) squat, 80kg (176lb) bench, and 210kg (462lb) deadlift. All proven on the platform.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I have 6 months goals and mine are 170# clean, 340# deadlift, 170# bench, and 15 unbroken kipping pull ups (I hate kipping pull ups but I have to do them in competitions). I am working on my strict pull ups as well (I can do 5 on a good day but it took me over a year to get my 1st one).