Suppressing Craves

I would like to know what everyone does to stop the craves? I have created a routine that is working (most the time) but my most difficult issue is evening craves. I don't know why I'm hungry. If I'm keeping busy doing something in the evening, I have no problems with craves. As soon as I take a break and sit, I start thinking about a snack. It could be an hour after supper or three hour after supper. It's the hardest with the TV on, even if it's for one hour before bed. What is your trick for craves?? Weekends are the hardest.


  • andiroot
    andiroot Posts: 43
    I usually give in and hate myself for it. moderation isn't my strong area either, so if 1 cookie sounds good, 5 will be great.

    I think I need to make one of those glitter calm jars they make for kids on pinterest, shake it and watch the glitter settle, by that time youre relaxed, or done craving. ugh.
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Two things have helped me avoid that late night cave:
    1) Brush the teeth. I read it somewhere on the board and was surprised about how effective it really is. For me, at least, it does trigger that 'almost time for bed done eating' feeling. It helps that food does taste crappy after you brush your teeth as well.
    2) A hobby while watching TV, to keep the hands busy. Mine is kind of weird, I took up hula hooping, its easy and keeps me occupied (well its easy now, not so much at 1st :laugh: ). Point is something to fill in for that crave.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    nothing... always give in..its a great secret...
  • michellechawner
    I'm good in the moderation department. Unless it's brownies. I can't eat just one of those suckers. A cupcake? Yes. An oreo? Maybe 2. Chocolate chunk brownies? Every woman for herself they are MINE.

    I don't give in every day though, that helps. Most of my chocolate I have at work is in the drawer in the desk, so out of site, out of mind. That seems to help too, Because I know I'm A) Too lazy to get up and get it half the time and B) If I'm out I'm not likely to go to the store just to buy the one thing I'm craving.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I make sure to eat all my meals so I'm not hungry. After I exercise a lot, if I do get hungry, then I eat something that makes sense (not junk). I also drink a lot of water, which stops some of the craving. I bought a 32 oz sport bottle, fill it with filtered water and lemon slices, and try to drink 2 of those a day. The lemon slices make it seem like a treat instead of plain water.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Try leaving yourself enough calories at the end of the day so you can have something small. I like to have a dark chocolate square..yumm!! If I eat good all day I usually end up with extra calories available, then I don't feel guilty about it at all.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I hate cravings but have a few tricks

    1. Complete my diary for the day. Subconsciously it tells me I cannot eat any more.
    2. Have a mug of tea.
    3. Have a little of what you fancy - weight and log it. This depends on self control.
    4. If I am still raiding the cupboards, I will have something reasonably substantial like a crust of bread toasted, or cheese and crackers. That usually gives me control back and I stop. Make sure it gets logged.
    5. Take the longer term view and try to make sure that the week is sort of on plan.

    Good luck!
  • emmythedagger
    emmythedagger Posts: 76 Member
    I usually just eat that chocolate biscuit, but I'll walk an extra 30mins to earn the extra calories.
    If it's something bigger like pizza then it's easier because I can't get to pizza easily, I'd have to go buy it. I moved back in with my mum after splitting with my partner so it's a lot easier and cheaper for me to eat my mums homemade dinners. They're yummy and are usually sensible sized portions.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Crave........INGS, you mean? Cuz I have no idea what "craves" are. :laugh:
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    I usually give in and hate myself for it. moderation isn't my strong area either, so if 1 cookie sounds good, 5 will be great.

    ^ THIS.
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    Im probably going to be shot for this but I think you crave because you are hungry,keep something good to eat to take away the hunger!if its 3 hours since your last meal you are going to feel hungry,its not lack of willpower or motivation,thats what I feel anyway!
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    I have healthier snacks readily available in case I have a craving at night. My favorite is a frozen greek yogurt bar. Just like an ice cream bar but healthier and I make sure I have the points for it towards the night.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    nothing... always give in..its a great secret...

    What he said, plus:
  • rje86
    rje86 Posts: 12 Member
    when I get cravings I drink some coffee.. my caffeine tolerance is extremely low, so I almost always feel nauseated after a full cup.. and voila I switched from cravings to nausea(and ruined most of the day).. sometimes I question my sanity, but at least it works
  • Dave_Ramsay
    Dave_Ramsay Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the replys. Looks like a comman thing for most. I will try some of the idea's you all had. I was doing the lemon (strawberries to) in the water but stopped. I also stopped drinking lots of water because I found I was going to the bathroom too much. I couldn't even stay on the treadmill for more that 25 minutes without stoppping to pee. I will try brushing my teeth to see if it helps stop the hungry feeling. Some of my hungry feeling were probably real because in the begining I was trying to end the day with 300 calories leftover. I stopped that because I was always feeling tired, sore and hungry. Eating most my calories seem easier to live with although my weight loss has really slowed down. A higher protien intake has considerably reduced my soreness after working out.

    Thanks again for all your advice. BTW - I don't like Kellogg's Krave.