Weighing myself everyday



  • kn7hqq
    kn7hqq Posts: 14 Member
    I too weigh everyday at the same time, I want to know that I'm on the right track, if I gain then there is something that I'm not doing right and I take a look at my previous eating diary. I feel so good even if I'm down one ounce that's better than gaining.
  • yourpalsoap
    kn7hqq wrote: »
    I too weigh everyday at the same time, I want to know that I'm on the right track, if I gain then there is something that I'm not doing right and I take a look at my previous eating diary. I feel so good even if I'm down one ounce that's better than gaining.

    see this isn't a good attitude to have! you can have a "perfect" day and still gain because of normal fluctuations so getting down about it is only going to cause problems. it can lead to restricting your intake even more when you were doing fine already, and make it more likely that you'll stop because you aren't getting immediate results every day.

    if you did have a bad day, it would take 2-3 days for your weight to settle before you'd even know if you've put on fat and not just water/food weight.
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    I am a daily weigher... I do it not to be discouraged if I gain, but to see how much I fluctuate and see if I need to adjust my sodium levels, and carb intake. My ACTUAL weigh in is done on Friday mornings as soon as I wake up and use the restroom. I strip down and weigh. If that number goes up (except on week 4), then I know I am not doing what I need to be doing and I adjust. Usually though, I am down about a pound. I say week 4 because due to female monthly fluctuations, I usually GAIN on week 4. But because I track every week, I know why and I don't freak out about it. It ALWAYS comes off the next week.

    Some people become too obsessed with the numbers and can't weigh daily. It really is just what best works for YOU!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I weighed myself as little as I could get away with because my emotions ride the numbers. But I just finished weighing myself daily for about four weeks to get to the bottom of my fluctuating weight. I've confirmed that I lose on a monthly cycle that is closely tied to my...cycle. I have the Fitbit Aria that posts the numbers as soon as I stand on the scale, and I have it synced with WeightGrapher. The trend line is much more satisfying to me. WeightGrapher estimates I will have reached my goal weight by May of this year.


    My weight can fluctuate up to three pounds in a single day. An odd consequence of the Aria and MFP is that MFP will report the loss but not the gain (thanks, pal!). My friends congratulate me nearly every day as MFP reports another pound lost. But...it's the same pound. Up, down. Up, down.

    This little project has confirmed to me not to take the scale too seriously. I focus on behavior change instead.
  • yourpalsoap
    here's an example:


    I weighed myself 12 of the last 14 days and I'm not discouraged by the gains or overly encouraged by the losses because the trend paints a better picture of how I'm doing.
  • RachelEB64
    RachelEB64 Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh everyday it keeps me motivated even if I don't lose it. Ales me try even harder.
  • RachelEB64
    RachelEB64 Posts: 7 Member
    I am a daily weigher... I do it not to be discouraged if I gain, but to see how much I fluctuate and see if I need to adjust my sodium levels, and carb intake. My ACTUAL weigh in is done on Friday mornings as soon as I wake up and use the restroom. I strip down and weigh. If that number goes up (except on week 4), then I know I am not doing what I need to be doing and I adjust. Usually though, I am down about a pound. I say week 4 because due to female monthly fluctuations, I usually GAIN on week 4. But because I track every week, I know why and I don't freak out about it. It ALWAYS comes off the next week.

    Some people become too obsessed with the numbers and can't weigh daily. It really is just what best works for YOU!
    I totally agree with you, I do weigh everyday it keeps me motivated
  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I weighed myself as little as I could get away with because my emotions ride the numbers. But I just finished weighing myself daily for about four weeks to get to the bottom of my fluctuating weight. I've confirmed that I lose on a monthly cycle that is closely tied to my...cycle. I have the Fitbit Aria that posts the numbers as soon as I stand on the scale, and I have it synced with WeightGrapher. The trend line is much more satisfying to me. WeightGrapher estimates I will have reached my goal weight by May of this year.
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    cyndit1 wrote: »
    to keep the weight off once I have reached my goal, I know the scale once or twice a week is the way to go.

    Not necessarily, you could still go by your clothes if you prefer it. Just continue being careful with portion sizes and things, and if you notice your pants getting tighter cut back a bit.
    I prefer paying attention to my clothes than a number on the scale.

  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I weighed myself as little as I could get away with because my emotions ride the numbers. But I just finished weighing myself daily for about four weeks to get to the bottom of my fluctuating weight. I've confirmed that I lose on a monthly cycle that is closely tied to my...cycle. I have the Fitbit Aria that posts the numbers as soon as I stand on the scale, and I have it synced with WeightGrapher. The trend line is much more satisfying to me. WeightGrapher estimates I will have reached my goal weight by May of this year.

    May give this a try. Thanks
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    It's all about the moving average and, if you can look at the scale readings as simply more data, then I think the daily weighing actually works out best. Here's another site that helps track that info... www.weightchart.com .

    I use that one and like to weigh in daily. Don't let yourself get discouraged about the days where the number is higher than the previous day, that is normal as you will see fluctuations daily with water weight and whether or not you've had a BM resently.

    As long as the moving average continues to trend downward, you are in good shape.

    Good luck!

  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    It's all about the moving average and, if you can look at the scale readings as simply more data, then I think the daily weighing actually works out best. Here's another site that helps track that info... www.weightchart.com .

    I use that one and like to weigh in daily. Don't let yourself get discouraged about the days where the number is higher than the previous day, that is normal as you will see fluctuations daily with water weight and whether or not you've had a BM resently.

    As long as the moving average continues to trend downward, you are in good shape.

    Good luck!

    Thanks so much! I appreciate the helpful info.
  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    edited January 2015
    You guys are awesome. I've gained some insight and got some great info. Thanks!
  • judi43
    judi43 Posts: 1 Member
    I, too, weigh myself every day. However, for health reasons, I am on a low fat, low sodium diet so the scale is my friend. Since salt is my poison, If I gain 2 lbs in one day, it means I had too much salt and I need to cut back on the salt. This diet has helped me lose at least a pound a week so far. So, weighing yourself daily is not a bad thing. It can be used to your advantage.
  • yomikeya
    yomikeya Posts: 12 Member
    I weight myself probably every other day and then once a month get body fat % tested to make sure it's trending down.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I like weighing weekly...I used to weigh whenever I wanted to, often more than once a day, but I decide to make myself try something new. I made only weighing weekly one of my weight loss goals and that helped me change my attitude about it very quickly. Here's why I've grown to like it better:
    1. I feel it's a more realistic habit to form long term
    2. I think more about how I feel, how my clothes fit, what I see in the mirror and just feel more tuned in to all of those changes rather than what the scale says.
    3. I feel more motivated...every weekly weigh-in is like a finishline that I'm working towards.
    4. Whatever happens on the scale that week fuels me...I feel motivated to push myself harder, or I feel thrilled at a success and want to keep it going.

    It look a few weeks for me to lose the itch to weigh, but I haven't looked back since.
  • blondieluv2shop
    blondieluv2shop Posts: 86 Member
    judi43 wrote: »
    I, too, weigh myself every day. However, for health reasons, I am on a low fat, low sodium diet so the scale is my friend. Since salt is my poison, If I gain 2 lbs in one day, it means I had too much salt and I need to cut back on the salt. This diet has helped me lose at least a pound a week so far. So, weighing yourself daily is not a bad thing. It can be used to your advantage.

    So I'm learning. I just have to learn to adjust my additude with the daily weighing.
  • grandmamere
    grandmamere Posts: 155 Member
    miqisha wrote: »
    I can't weight everyday, it would drive me crazy. If it affects your emotional state then I would work on minimizing to maybe once a week

    Exactly! I'm working on it!

    Also have someone take the scale and only return once a week. Choose a designated day and keep at it.
  • calivandewoestyne
    I used to weigh myself daily, but I too was hard on myself if the number went up, even though I knew it was most likely muscle/water weight. Seeing that Im cutting - I got discouraged. So I got my boyfriend to hide the scale, and I now only weigh in every few weeks, with the mentality that if I know Im working hard and eating how I should, the number shouldnt disappoint me - and then he can hide the scale again until the next weigh in! Lol
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    judi43 wrote: »
    I, too, weigh myself every day. However, for health reasons, I am on a low fat, low sodium diet so the scale is my friend. Since salt is my poison, If I gain 2 lbs in one day, it means I had too much salt and I need to cut back on the salt. This diet has helped me lose at least a pound a week so far. So, weighing yourself daily is not a bad thing. It can be used to your advantage.

    So I'm learning. I just have to learn to adjust my additude with the daily weighing.

    Good idea! Before stepping on the scale, remind yourself that the number simply tells you the weight of your body, NOT the value of your self-worth, nor should it influence your mood for the day! Just practice. You'll get there.