Dreaming in Thin

I've been losing weight at a pretty steady pace. It's not difficult anymore and I don't find myself starving, which is a huge improvement! I know I've lost a lot of weight. I peaked at 272 during pregnancy and have lost 37 lbs so far. Great job, right? You'd think so and I've been feeling very confident in my clothes. Last weekend I caught a side glance of my whole body.
Please understand that I don't have any full length mirrors in my home, so the best I get is chest up. I HAD been feeling pretty darn good up until then. It was mortifying. With how far I've come, I still look like...that.
Normally a hit like that would send me into quitting time. I'd stop tracking and be done. My head must be in a better place because despite my quick glance at reality, I'm still pushing and trying.
In fact, for the first time ever, I dreamt about being thin last night. To be honest, my dreams usually consist of all things odd, weird, and even scary, but there has never been any focus on my body. It's a good thing I think. What was new last night is I was trying to take an after picture of my new thin belly. It was nothing extraordinary. Somewhat flat, but still soft. A huge improvement and beautiful. I was trying to get a picture that showed off my figure. It felt great and I was happy.
If anything, I suppose this means my head is where it needs to be in order to make this happen. It's exciting and even though I have a very long way to go, I know it's possible. I saw it last night.