Right with you all, looking to lose 50 -60lbs!

Kimberlee1228 Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2015 in Getting Started
I'm currently at 207... Wanting to be about 145 -150 was my weight pre children.. (Three boys 5,4, and 9 months) I started Saturday the 10th pretty much disgusted with food and my waiste size lol! So here I am day 5 going strong.. But so nice to read all the post that you are all right with me! So comforting! We can totally do it!!! Smallest I've been in last 4 years was probably 180. I'm over this size! Lol


    BL3SS3DFITN3SS Posts: 40 Member
    Send me a friend request!!! We are very similar... I started out at 209 on January first and my goal weight is 149 lbs, I'm currently down a little over 9 lbs. I also have 3 little ones; my older two JUST turned 5 & 6 and my youngest is 20 months. Let's do this!!!

    I was in the 170-180s in 2013 but gained a bunch over time so I'm in the same boat as you.
  • Very similar to both of you! Just started on MFP yesterday. Need to lose about 60-70. Had my 3rd and last baby 14 months ago and need to get rid of all this weight and tummy bulge! Tired of not fitting into stuff I want to wear. You guys add me :)
  • My kids are 4, 3 and 14 months!!!
  • Bella_Francesca
    Bella_Francesca Posts: 20 Member
    Although I'm not a mommy, our goals are very similar! I'm going to be 25, 5'6.5, and current weight is 204.5. January 1st I was 211pounds and have really been working hard to get to 200 ASAP :) feel free to add me, I just sent you a friend request! Welcome!
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    my stats are about the same. Was 132 when I got married, 210 or something after my second child 2.25 years ago and am now about 178, goal of 150 or so :)
  • Llcarolan
    Llcarolan Posts: 8 Member
    50 seems to be the magic number to loose! Me too!!! It's sad when I go and pick up a 50 lbs bag of dog food for my dogs and notice how HEAVY it is and all I can think of is...I have this much extra, no wonder my knees hurt. I'm tired of this size and I want to loose it.
  • durato
    durato Posts: 1 Member
    I have no kids but my stats and goals are about the same. I had great success using MFP about a year and a half ago and lost 30 lbs along with exercise in about 4 months. Tracking is the most important part. Unfortunately I got lazy along with a million other excuses and the weight came back on little by little. I'm excited to get started again! I love the new recipe importing feature which wasn't available when I first used this app. Definitely a time saver! Good luck everyone on your journey!