To all you working moms out there, i need suggestions!

abeare Posts: 510 Member
Any suggestions on what/how/when to workout when my day starts at 5:30 (usually up once or twice a night too) and I’m on the go getting ready for work/bringing LO to daycare, then at work all day, then on the go until LO’s bedtime at 8pm. At 8pm I’m usually so exhausted that all I want to do is finish whatever task I was doing earlier (laundry, dishes, etc…) then shower and go to bed! How do I get a workout in? What do all you other working moms do? Oh & my lunch hour isn’t an option either :cry:


  • connieleavens
    connieleavens Posts: 31 Member
    Everyone's day is different but what works for me is working out in the evenings, I have an early morning start at 5:30 as well. I start my workout anywhere from 7:30 - 8:30 pm, depends on the day and the kids. I am always tired when I start but in the end really glad I did it. It was really hard to get in the routine, but I try to start a load of laundry, workout, then throw that load in the dryer. With a family of 6 I have lots of laundry and have to do at least two loads a day, lol. After my workout I have my shower, empty the dishwasher, pack lunch, etc. Mind you I rarely get to bed before 10:30 but for me it is worth it because I am able to get my workout in. Once you want it bad enough, you will find a way that works for you and your schedule, that is what happened for me.
  • locdin2motion
    I was going to suggest working out on your lunch break but you already said thats a no bueno! So I would say either wake up earlier just to work out or workout while your son or daughter is sleeping. Believe you me I do be exhausted but you will find that working out actually give you energy you might not be feeling it to start off but when you get into it. Everything is mental once you put it in your mind that you will and actually get to doing it it becames a second nature to the point that you will feel weird when you don't do it. Lay out your clothes out the night before and place your running shoes by your bed or like I use to do sleep in my excerise clothes and just got up in the morning get to it. Make sure you find thiings that will keep your attention like zumba dvds or anything fun while you move.
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    I use my commute time.

    Some days I try to replace the train with a bike ride and if not cycling I walk from the station instead of taking the bus. Because the train time is fixed I am still at work by 8.

    If the weather "turns" I can leave my bike in the office and take the train home and cycle home the next day.

    At week-ends, if the weather is nice we cycle to the park with the little one on the back and my husband plays with him in the playground for half an hour or so so I get a chance to have a bit of a jog.

    I try to do video work-outs at the week-end during nap time or in the evening. Because it is not built in like the commute time it's a bit less regular.
  • amayaasn
    amayaasn Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with the last reply I usually have to get my workout in after bedtime 8-830 unless mom will watch them a little longer after work, she watches my girls two days a week so Mon, Tues I take my stuff and workout at her house. Are u currently trying to get to the gym or are you doing an at home program? Or are you trying to get into something just don't know what to do yet? I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 9 month old. I just completed my program on the 24th. It was a struggle sometimes but if you want it you can do it.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    or go to bed early with the kids and wake up and hour earlier than normal to get your workout out of the way, that's what I do. :yawn: it's hard at first but it will become habit if your consistent.. if there's a will there's a way...good luck!:drinker:
  • wordyroo
    wordyroo Posts: 98 Member
    I take my son with me on my runs after work or leave him to play with his daddy. I work with a personal trainer once a week after work (I leave 20 minutes early from work) while my son is still at daycare. I don't know if either would work into your schedule. It's rough, I know!
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Do you have a significant other? Can they take charge of some of the activities regarding LO?

    I wake up at 4:30 every morning to be at the gym by 5:30. Sometimes I run at lunch time.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I'm exhausted even reading your post! By all means if you could get up at 4:30am to exercise, do, but I know I wouldn't be able for it, not if I'm already waking up few times at night with a baby/toddler. The suggestion of cycling or walking to work is great, or otherwise could you try be more active at work- take the stairs instead of the lift, walk as much as you can, etc. It's not the same as intensive workout but it still adds up. If you find it hard fitting the exercise now remember what they say, weightloss is 90% diet, you can try and catch up on fitness at the weekends
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks everyone, I love the idea of cycling to work if I wasn’t so scared of the crazy Montreal drivers (they have a bad rap for a reason), but I am fortunate to live in an area that is big for the bixie rental bikes with drop offs both near my work and home, so I may try it!

    Otherwise I keep telling myself that I’ll work out after my son goes to bed while doing laundry like one of you suggested, but I just don’t. And I’m way too tired to wake up early, last night was the first time that I got to sleep the night through in three months! I know that once I get back into the groove of a routine that works my energy level will go up, but it’s getting to that point that’s rough!

    I do plan on setting up things differently at work so that I can go to the gym during my lunch hour, but that means taking extra time at lunch and making up for that time in the evening. So my son stays at daycare longer and then I have the mommy guilt! This won’t be a possibility for the next couple months anyway.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wordyroo- I tried taking him on a run but he doesn’t do well in a stroller for anything longer than 5 mins (I usually ‘wear’ him in a baby carrier when we’re out and about), does your lil guy like the stroller? As for leaving early, my boss is flexible if I needed to do it once or twice but not on a regular basis 
  • HS2305
    HS2305 Posts: 422 Member
    As soon as you put your son to bed, work out immediately. This is what I do and it is difficult for the first week or so but once you get into the routine, you will start to feel the benefits. If I don't work out as soon as my son goes to bed, there is not a hope in hell's chance that I will do it. Try doing something that is high intensity but doesn't take much time ( I do Jillian Michael Ripped in 30 which is about 35 minutes long).
  • MGwasp
    MGwasp Posts: 16
    The biggest aha moment for me was when a weight loss expert told me that the 30 minutes does not have to be done all at one time. He recommended that I start the day with yoga like stretching and simple calisthenics, he said that during my lunch hour, to walk as if I am late for a bus or a plane for 10 minutes. Lastly, he said that I should pick up my kid or kids and dance with them for ten minutes. I am assuming that yours are really little because you are still waking up in the middle of the night. Since it is summer, I would also suggest putting them in a stroller and walking for 10. This may become the mommy time with the kids to hear about their day when they get older but the rule is that if they walk, they have to keep up with Mommy. I hope that this helps a little.
  • kmrichardson1
    kmrichardson1 Posts: 41 Member
    My schedule is similar, up at 5:30, leave the house at 7:30 (getting me and two kids ready takes that long), home at 5:30-6:00. I don't like to workout while my kids are awake most days, because I don't see them all day, so I want to spend time with them! So, I was working out after they go to bed at 8:30, and doing something with a lot of bang for my buck, like JM 30 day shred or ripped in 30. I would work out 2 evenings a week, and both weekend days (something longer on the weekend). Then I started an extra evening a week right after dinner (my hubby would hang out with the kids for 30-35 minutes). My routine is totally different now, but that worked for me for four months, and I lost 15 pounds.
  • kellyw036
    kellyw036 Posts: 58 Member
    On days when the gym is tough to get to, I take my LO on a walk with me in her stroller. I've also been able to adjust my work schedule to be more flexible.
    My best option is to let my SO take over for an hour or so when he gets home so I can take off for the gym. It is my time and I need it...its all about shuffling and getting creative. :)

    There are also some great DVDs you can do at home!
  • Lmans77
    Lmans77 Posts: 58 Member
    how long do you get for lunch currently? I also wouldn't like the idea of taking more time at lunch only to have to stay later.

    But if you get 30 min and have access to the outdoors or you have a private office, you can do a lot in 15 minutes, and use the other 15 min to eat.

    You can do burpees, lunges, squats etc. You can do a kick-A workout with a circuit. I do it on occasion.

    Or walking stairs. Sometimes I take a break (my work is very laid back) and I walk 3 flights of stairs a few times.

    I also keep resistance bands in my desk and break those out.

    It really does all add up, you just need to be mindful of constantly finding ways to move.

    If lunch doesn't work, I'd get a good video like 30DS and try to squeeze in that 20-25 minutes into your evening.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks again for all the suggestions everyone! I'll be trying a lot of them and seeing which ones work for my schedule the best!