
I'm new here. I'm super motivated to lose weight, not only to look better, but because I honestly want to be healthy. I'ma bit worried though. I can never hit my goal of 1500cal a day! I'm always under, but I'm just not hungry and I worry that not eating enough will slow my weightloss!


  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    edited January 2015
    as long as you're not dipping below 1200 you should be good. so if you are full, than you should stop!
  • shaneenmnoble
    Oh thank goodness! I'm usually just a little over that. Perhaps a bigger and proper breakfast will also help. I'm not too good with that; too used to just grabbing a fruit or something light, and of course being ravenous later in the day!