Having a rough time



  • bellabutt3
    bellabutt3 Posts: 105 Member
    Got some awesome people on this feed!
    So glad I stumbled in. Feeling blessed & strong :-)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I weigh twice a week and have my diary open. I am logging EVERYTHING. I didn't get to 183 pounds eating well and being active. I need accountability, and the diary doesn't lie unless I lie to it. It is very easy not to log 500 calories of chips, cream in coffee, the correct amount of cereal (1 cup was surprisingly less in my bowl than what I was pouring). I measure and count and log, and if I stay in my calorie goal like the past 2 weeks I lose. By leaving my log open, if I start suddenly gaining weight and consistently going over my calories I know that somebody on my friend list will give me the nudge I need. I know if I eat junk food and gain weight somebody else will see it too. It is very easy for me to lie to myself, and I am done with that. That got me to 183 pounds. Not so awesome. For me, it is small choices like trading a frappucino for a nonfat latte. 400 calories saved right there! No magic, no extremes, just slow steady loss. I can't see your diary, and I have no way of knowing what you do or don't log or the foods you eat or your calorie goals. But, it is a combination of too much food/ not enough calories burned that cause weight gain in the long term. Key word: LONG. 1 day is inconsequential if isolated. 1 day in a string of 1 days adds quickly up to a week, then a month, then...you get the idea. It isn't an overnight success or failure. If seeing large overnight gains/losses consistently upsets you, don't weigh yourself daily. Conversely, if you like weighing yourself daily you obviously know you can gain 5 pounds overnight because you have. It isn't a value judgement, the scale is just a number. Keep logging, and be accountable. If you are honest to yourself and accurate, and stay within your target, you will lose weight! It may not be fast, it may not be easy, but it is possible! Get your chin up, take your measurements, and stick with it. Give it at least a week or two, and re-evaluate. By giving up before, you never lost more than 5 pounds. Perhaps it is time to try something different and not give up. Giving up doesn't get you to your goals!