In Need of a New Ab Exercise!

My main goal has been to get more ab definition, but I've been switching between the same few ab routines for a while now and I'm definitely looking for some change! Just wondering if anyone has suggestions of fresh ab exercises I can do at the gym, or if anyone knows a good ab routine that will fit in an hour or less (because I'm in college and am very pressed for time!!).


  • Getting more defined is accomplished by lowering body fat, doesn't matter if you crunched all day you would not get a more defined mid section.

    If you're looking to improve your midsection some tips - crunches: add load to them and aim to fail around 8-10, on any ab exercise exhale fully on the effort. Time under tension: keep the tempo of each rep slow and concentrated.

    To be frank ab work is not that varied or complicated, as long as your performing some form of trunk flexing (crunch) hip flexion (leg raise) and rotation (wood chop) your good to go. (Ab wheel or planking - waste of time and energy)
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I don't know what you are doing currently but I have seen good results with regular and side planks, and this one where I lay on my back and put both legs in the air straight up and then lower one leg almost all the way to the floor and then back up again. I do ten on one side, then ten on the other and keep doing that until I'm worn out. You should also work your back to balance it out with Superman and similar exercises.