
Hi I'm missy


  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi I'm a newbie too lol
  • This forum is a bit confusing, hope it gets easier lol
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    It is I'm seeing that myself
  • Lol. Hope our weight loss journey won't be as hard. I've been having trouble staying on task so i am trying this app
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    What challenges do you have? What is your goal?
  • My goal is 40 lbs total. Up for food restriction challenges or exercise challenges. How about you, do you have challenges
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    My challenges? I'm a single mother of three boys my day starts at 6a and I'm usually home by 530-6padter picking them up from school and daycare- fix dinner - homework- bathtime- and I'm beat that I've not felt like working out I bought a treadmill last year never used it til now

    I had not waken up early because I'm so tired it's hard to wake up at 5 to get on treadmill so I told myself no more excuses if I go to bed early 10p I'll be able to wake up early and have more energy and it's working!!!
  • That sounds about my exact same life. I'm up by 6, have two kids, two separate buses schedules, run to work, home dinner after school activities etc and no time for me and no energy. Maybe I'll have to try and get up at 5:30 for a workout. Aerobics may work for me. Thanks for the tip. I noticed that drinking a full glass of water before each meal fills me faster and i tend to eat less also
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    I started going to bed at a decent time no later the. 10p so I can get up at 5ish and get a 30 min incline walk ok treadmill in