Gain weight or lose weight?



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I was always taught when training to pick one good routine as well and stick to it. When it gets to boring and easy, add more weight.

    I shift calories on lifting days because I am plant based and for other reasons. It is just what I do, not what she has to do.

    And there is a reason to consume more protein on weight lifting days and it has little to do in itself with growth.

    Here is what it has to do with mostly..... muscular synapses require energy in the form of protein to move (contract). That is why it is advises you rest at least 30 seconds between sets it is because you max out the stores of synapses but they replenish quickly.

    So replenishing your protein stores after a lifting session has over time been misconstrued into muscle growth, its not.

    Muscle GROWTH comes with the natural healing process that comes with the tear/and repair process after a lifting session and it occurs slowly over time.

    Now I probably did not say all that in text book terminology, but I did read it all in my Fitness/Nutrition textbooks.

    I tried to break it down to basics, I am sure someone will come behind me and tell me how wrong I am.

    I have popcorn waiting.

    A good routine should have progression defined as part of the program, not just "whenever it gets easy". When I'm progressing and upping weights, my lifts are never easy. It doesn't stop me from slapping on another 5lbs the next time to see if I can move the bar. I usually surprise myself.

    OP, just "cleaning up" your diet won't change much unless that also affects how many calories you eat. Focus more on counting calories. If you don't want to count calories, I'd at least give it a try for 2-4 weeks so you can get an idea of how many calories you typically eat and then make any adjustments based on if you decide to maintain or gain. However eating "clean" (besides having no definition) is not required for getting rid of your fat or gaining muscle. It's up to you what kinds of food you want to eat to get you to your goals.