A question for the ladies

Sorry guys- TMI question

Ladies- has anyone noticed a change in their monthly cycle after starting to work out regularly? I just finished mine less than a week ago and it seems to be trying to come back again.


  • LuckyFur
    LuckyFur Posts: 96
    I use tampons to keep it away!
  • Eifersucht
    Eifersucht Posts: 34
    Oral contraceptives. Mine starts every 4th Tuesday morning. Clockwork. :) Exercise hasn't had any effect on it that I have noticed.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    It's less about working out for me, and more about weight loss. For about every ten pounds I've lost, I've had to endure a month of completely psychotic menstrual wackiness. My suspicion--releasing hormones stored in fat into my bloodstream is doing crazy things to my ovaries. So perhaps the same is true when you up your exercise.
  • Seems like mine is 3 times a month anymore ugh!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Probably a result of the severe anemia I'm currently dealing with (and possibly other things...going in for tests soon) but I haven't had my period since January. And no, it's not a good thing. As much as we all complain about it every month, it's reassuring to get it. I don't feel normal right now :p
  • TriThreat
    TriThreat Posts: 313
    My doctor told me that when you start working out (especially if it's intense) that during the first couple of months, your body can get "off" when if comes to your TOM. Some girls have more frequent, shorter periods. Other will skip theirs for a month. So that can be a factor. I would just talk with my doctor if you're really concerned, but I was told a little irregularity is normal.

    Hope that helps!
  • A low weight, weightloss and a lot of exercise can all definitely influence your cycle.
  • Chelle377
    Chelle377 Posts: 1,008 Member
    seems like my cramps have gotten worse since I've started working out / losing weight.. but the cycle seems to be still on regular time...
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    no but i have read if u over exercise you can miss your period
    mine has shortened from 7 days to 3.............. dont now if it s from exercising or not?
  • EmilyMcD84
    EmilyMcD84 Posts: 46 Member
    Mine is lighter. When I stopped drinking Mt. Dew my pms wasn't as bad.
  • carolmcgov
    carolmcgov Posts: 175 Member
    Yes! I started getting my tom every 2weeks! I went to the docs and he has gave me a new contraceptive pill so fingera crossed
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Mine seems more regular. But I also take Dr. Schulze's female and female plus formulae, so that helps:)
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    are you sure it isn't just the very end of it,i get end traces of mine for a few days some months with a day of nothing in between.
    what you eat can cause changes to you're period.
    my mum was surprised i don't have really heavy periods even after having had children and rarely need thick tampons.
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    are you sure it isn't just the very end of it,i get end traces of mine for a few days some months with a day of nothing in between.
    what you eat can cause changes to you're period.
    my mum was surprised i don't have really heavy periods even after having had children and rarely need thick tampons.
    no. i hadnt had any ting since the 26th. i also started almost a week early this month too though, its just been wacky.
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    no. i hadnt had any ting since the 26th. i also started almost a week early this month too though, its just been wacky.

    I have mine move and have had some start a week early,I think most women have that happen. and I wasn't doing any exercise at that point so that was just what my body was doing at the time.
    I normally would have a 28 day cycle but it's been 28,32 and 25 days so I've been caught off guard a few time and it doe get confusing but for me as I'm not on any contraceptive it's what my body is doing right now.

    I don't think it is to much to become concerned about but if it keep doing things you feel aren't right then don't put off seeing a dr if it's worrying you.
    But I do have to say after each child I have had different things have happened like tender breasts which only started after coming of the depo injection which i was on for 6 years. and now it's the moving dates. Age and changes to my body i think are the reasons for this happening to me.