Looking to make new friends and share diet and workout tips and tricks!

Hey, I'm Joshua!

So until tonight I had no idea that a MFP community existed! I've been religiously keeping track of everything I eat and fine tuning aspects of my diet over the years, but thought connecting with other health and fitness enthusiasts here on MFP could help push my gains to the next level. Having someone else with similar interests and goals who can relate to whatever stage you're at can be very encouraging! I would love to connect with people on here to share our diet and workout tips and tricks with one another and help motivate each other to achieve our goals! And, making new friends in the process isn't so bad, either :)

Feel free to leave a message or add me if you'd like!


  • Good for you!!! This is a great app and helps you keep yourself accountable!!!
  • Hello. I make my diary public and currently do DailyBurn workouts and utilize the fitbit charge for additional tracking. It's always great to have the encouragement and teamwork...ESP w summer approaching!
  • layniehankins
    layniehankins Posts: 2 Member
    I need a good support group. As well, you can't be successful on your own.
  • ladonis98
    ladonis98 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey man how's it going. I too just discovered this community function on my fitness. I'm at day 67 of clean eating, and daily fitness. I've lost 24 pounds and developed a leaner build. Be great to share routines, and some of the foods that I became one with, and others I had to divorce.... Patrick here.

  • glhFitForLife
    glhFitForLife Posts: 8 Member
    I also only just found out about this lol. I bought the fitbit charge should be here today hopefully worth it and it will keep me going. Good luck with it all x
  • satisatisati
    satisatisati Posts: 260 Member
    This is a new app. I recently started using in since couple of weeks ago. It would be nice to share fitness tips with other expert users here and get some useful tips.
  • jamiehill1037
    jamiehill1037 Posts: 2 Member
    I could use all the tips i can get. i need to eliminate Monster drinks from my diet but find it hard due to working against my body clock on 3rd shift. Will take any suggestions offered. Thanks
  • I need as much tips as possible apart from that it's sewing my mouth shut!! Ha I'm a bit funny with food so it's difficult to stick to certain diets etc. anything accepted. Thanks ☺️
  • glhFitForLife
    glhFitForLife Posts: 8 Member
    I also only just found out about this lol. I bought the fitbit charge should be here today hopefully worth it and it will keep me going. Good luck with it all x
  • glhFitForLife
    glhFitForLife Posts: 8 Member
    I could use all the tips i can get. i need to eliminate Monster drinks from my diet but find it hard due to working against my body clock on 3rd shift. Will take any suggestions offered. Thanks

    I to work nights and long days. I take about 10 pieces of fruit it. As I snack when I'm tired I find it helps. Also try cutting down the monster drinks 1 at a time over the weeks/months you should find that you don't need any at all??x
  • woodlandtomb
    woodlandtomb Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all I'm really hoping I can take some great information away from those that know what their talking about
  • joshuajguyer
    joshuajguyer Posts: 21 Member
    Inlv2003: I couldn't agree more!! Before setting it up, I thought I had a pretty good handle on how much of various nutritional components I was consuming on a daily basis. I couldn't have been more wrong! MFP has played a crucial role in helping to adjust and refine my diet in accordance with my fitness goals.
  • joshuajguyer
    joshuajguyer Posts: 21 Member
    StilettoFashionista: What are your thoughts on the utility of the fitbit? I've heard a few things but the response has been somewhat mixed. Also, what are daily burn workouts?
  • I just downloaded the app on January 3rd. I had let myself go after being a lean, mean, fighting machine the Army. I had too many excuses for not working out and eating better. Since the 3rd, I've cut out fast food (hard), started exercising (harder) and cut out beer (hardest). I've lost 8 pounds and I know exactly what I am eating and I'm pumped to get home so I can work out every day. Feeling better. Just need to lose another 69 pounds and I'll be good to go. Good luck. Anyone feel free to add me. Love to have more people to keep me motivated and I will return the favor.
  • hayleylouise9699
    hayleylouise9699 Posts: 146 Member

    Welcome to mfp. I've been on here for a few months now, I track my food and record all my exercise.
    Please feel free to add me.

  • joshuajguyer
    joshuajguyer Posts: 21 Member
    Layniehankins: your welcome to add me and share your tips or pose questions for the group!
  • Hi! I dont share many tips but i am encouraging!! :smiley: add me if you want!
  • Hi! I dont share many tips but i am encouraging!! :smiley: add me if you want!
  • Trishskee
    Trishskee Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me! I keep my diary open to friends and give out kudos relentlessly. A lot of my friends on here are no longer active, so I'm looking for motivation as well.
  • joshuajguyer
    joshuajguyer Posts: 21 Member
    Hayleylouise: thanks for the welcome and well wishes! So far I'm finding the MFP community to be exceptionally friendly and willing to share lots of insights into dieting and fitness tips. Off to a great start!