Soda is my downfall...need help!



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Mycophilia wrote: »
    Just switch to diet soda?
    I keep soda water around and flavour it with Mio or lemon juice.

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    kevinmacpa wrote: »
    kingscrown wrote: »
    I quit cold turkey. My intention was to start back up in 30 days, but at the 3 week mark I felt markedly better. I never went back. NOW it wasn't easy. I had about 8 months of withdrawals. When I say withdrawals it wasn't physical it was totally mental. My life revolved around my soda drinking. Pick up the kids drink a soda. Kids go to bed sit down with a cold soda. Go to the beach have a soda. Until I did all these things and found something I could do instead I was pretty unhappy. I didn't drink tea or coffee either. I really didn't drink anything else, but soda and occasionally water. Drinking water got SO boring I started dabbling in ice tea. I found out I don't hate ice tea I just hadn't found one I like. I also have a soda maker. I only carbonate water then I add drops of essential oils like lime, lemon, and grapefruit. I love the grapefruit as it feels like I'm having a refreshing Fresca. Very rarely I'll add some cranberry juice to the carbonated water. I've had a sip of my hubs soda on rare occasions and I've found I'm really over it. I don't even like it any more.

    Good for you! When I see soda now, I have no craving whatsoever, I only associate the soda with the amount of calories in it, belly fat and tooth decay.

    I fit it into my calories and thus don't gain weight, much less belly fat. I also brush and floss my teeth multiple times a day and have never had a cavity or any tooth decay.

    Soda alone is not "evil". It is the fact that people take in too many calories and they like to blame one specific item instead of the over all problem. If you can fit the soda in and you enjoy it, then do so. It, alone, won't hurt weight loss as long as you meet your calorie goals. To say soda is bad or made someone far is like saying cheese was at fault, or fruit, or pizza, or hamburgers. NO. Stop blaming food!
  • Firefly0369
    My husband swears by V8 energy cans. Caffeine plus vegetable juice in a can. He gets the feel of a cold canned drink and caffeine without a lot of extra sugar and calories.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I've switched from drinking about 2L of regular mountain dew per day to one 20z diet dew a day. Those calories alone is huge to my diet.

    I work at a restaurant, and therefore had a soda fountain. I would just drink it constantly. I made a rule... Water only at work.
  • JScottBldrs
    JScottBldrs Posts: 44 Member
    If you enjoy your sodas drink diet....I know it is terrible for you but i just can't get off the caffeine..... I have lost 35 lbs drinking 32 oz of Diet MT Dew every day. Soda is more of treat for me.... I try to drink 5 - 10 cups of water every day also... Don't fret just drink Diet and work your water into the routine and before you know it you will be drinking more water and less soda
  • ashersnow
    I bought a sodastream machine, now I make my own carbonated water and flavour it with a small amount of fresh juice.
  • azneverland
    azneverland Posts: 7 Member
    ashersnow wrote: »
    I bought a sodastream machine, now I make my own carbonated water and flavour it with a small amount of fresh juice.

    I have always wanted to try that...does it really work for you??
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    ashersnow wrote: »
    I bought a sodastream machine, now I make my own carbonated water and flavour it with a small amount of fresh juice.

    I have always wanted to try that...does it really work for you??

    I am another SodaStream lover! I fizz up 2 one liter bottles a day and just drink that. Occasionally I will add something like flavor drops to it, and on an even rarer occasion I will use some of their diet soda mix (I like the root beer one).

  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    Non-diet soda is like crack to me. With Mt Dew it's an addiction. Restricting to one a day and fitting the calories in was out of the question. What has worked for me is to restrict myself to only water at work where it's easier to be successful. At home I drink flavored waters, water with the flavor drops, iced tea or diet soda. None is satisfying long term so I continually mix it up.
  • FreshStart2015
    FreshStart2015 Posts: 11 Member
    I have exactly the same problem. I once gave up for about 6 months but it is like an addiction. I am going to try and cut back slowly and then replace with a fruit juice or a smoothy at least initially. It might be the same cals but at least i know its better for me then the soda.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Just drink diet soda. It's not "bad" or "bad for you". It's about 99% water too. Don't overthink this.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    If it fits in your caloric goals and you like it, where is the problem?

  • minimum13
    minimum13 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi - I use Nuun tablets ( or from amazon) - they are sugar free, carb free, salt free and contain electrolytes to help replenish fluids lost through exercise. There are loads of different flavours (most are caffeine free, but those with caffeine are clearly marked).

    There are 3 different types including an "all day" variety, but the main selling point for me is that you can carry a tube in your pocket and have an instant, healthy way to improve plain water.

    They are really worth a try - helped me kick the soda habit and even cut down on tea & coffee, because they are convenient to carry round, i can always keep them handy.
    (plus of course if you do find yourself under the weather, hangover, stomach bug, headache even, they are a brilliant way to instantly increase hydration and help you feel better, without the salty taste of pharmacy type remedies)

  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    edited January 2015
    ^Agreed, once you get used to diet the regular stuff tastes too syrupy and like failure.

    I've got a simple model you might find helpful. There's "utility" drinking and then there's drinking because it tastes good. Water is boring. You're not gonna sip water and particularly enjoy it. But you need it. So...
    After every peeing session, I go chug a glass of water. Boom, hydrated, set for another hour of existence. Then maybe I'll consider making a "fun" drink, zero or negligible calories, for sipping on, hot or cold, or both, for the next hour of sitting around doing stuff.
    So I'm both hydrated and entertaining my taste buds when I wanna.
  • hollypend
    hollypend Posts: 19 Member
    Soda stream - LUV mine! Then use fresh squeezed citrus and a little liquid stevia to sweeten if needed.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I'm another vote for diet soda. Or I used seltzer water and poured in Mio (use which ever water flavor enhancer thingy you want) and it was almost like having soda.... almost :)
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I was a total soda addict! I'd drink it all day long. I didnt think I would be able to give it up completely either. But I did and I feel a lot better. Just recently got to the point where I can have it occasionally if I go out to eat or go to someones house to eat.

    Try water with fruit cut up in it or like Snapple or something.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    As mentioned earlier, just switch to diet soda.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    ^Agreed, once you get used to diet the regular stuff tastes too syrupy and like failure.

    I've got a simple model you might find helpful. There's "utility" drinking and then there's drinking because it tastes good. Water is boring. You're not gonna sip water and particularly enjoy it. But you need it. So...
    After every peeing session, I go chug a glass of water. Boom, hydrated, set for another hour of existence. Then maybe I'll consider making a "fun" drink, zero or negligible calories, for sipping on, hot or cold, or both, for the next hour of sitting around doing stuff.
    So I'm both hydrated and entertaining my taste buds when I wanna.

    I so something similar. I drink a 16 oz glass of water with lunch and dinner (coffee with breakfast) which immediately takes care of a little more than half of my daily minimum. The rest I sip on over the course of the day and that is often something a little more "fun" to drink. I also take a glass to bed just in case I get a little thirsty at night.

  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper is supposed to taste exactly like regular Dr. Pepper. I have always drank diet sodas and to me a regular soda tastes WAYY too sugary, it tastes gross. But everyone I know who has switched from regular to diet says Diet Dr. Pepper is the best. Coke Zero is also very good in taste.