Calories added from exercise?

Hi everyone - new to MFP and am psyched as I can see it will be a great help to me. I am confused by one thing though (sorry if this has been asked before)...

When my daily calories are calculated, (I get 1780 at the moment, an 800 calorie deficit) if I enter cardio it adds calories on 'allowed' to make up for the ones burned at the gym/wherever. I get that, but if I add a weights session, no calories are added. A hard weightlifting session makes me really hungry and I usually eat more those days as opposed to cardio.

Is there a way to get MFP to add calories burned from weights sessions too and not just cardio?

Thanks very much,



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    log your weight lifting under the cardio, there it gives you calories burned for that but don't expect to get too many. Thats why I mix up strength and cardio so I can burn more :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Under the cardio section there are categories for many things including strength training and circuit training.
  • jayhughes8181
    jayhughes8181 Posts: 5 Member
    Ah yes - thanks a lot :)