Help with BMR and BF please!

im new to the forums but have been on MFP for a log while now and have just joined a boot camp. I've always struggled with body fat, even younger I was never thin and have always had big thighs.

I had my measurements taken at boot camp and found out that my metabolic rate is 47 and my body fat is 37%.

I'm 23 and 5 feet. I weigh 11.6 stone. I was a swimmer when I was younger in races etc and still exercise when I can and don't eat too badly - I can eat better but living at home it's hard as meals tend to get cooked for me!

I'm pretty much always hungry.

Are there any tips with lowering the BMR and body fat? Thank you!


  • hellobirdie_xo
    hellobirdie_xo Posts: 31 Member
    I have a similar problem in terms of living at home and having meals cooked for me (which is both a blessing in terms of time, but a curse in terms of calories!).
    I started cooking all my own meals which was a complete pain in terms of eating together, made double the mess etc. so I basically now eat whatever everyone else is eating, but make sure it fits in my calories. So pasta & sauce for example, everyone else might have 100g of pasta, sauce and some garlic bread, i'll have 50g of pasta, sauce and a massive salad! I came to the realisation that it was easy to blame everyone else for me getting fat, but it was really that I was choosing to eat too much of the bad stuff...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    First, those are not always accurate, so relax. To lose body fat, you eat at a deficit, period.