question about bulk/cut cycle...



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AKDonF wrote: »
    You want to go closer to 1 lb. or so per week because of hormonal adaptions in response to the cut. 20-25% under maintenance is the sweet spot.

    makes sense...

    man, after eating 3100 a day going back to 2300 2500 is going to make me a horrible person to deal with ..LOL
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    AKD has the right idea, if you're going for the same weight that you started at then you should be leaner. You should have added mass but we just won't know until you get there. You would hope that let's say you wanted to get down to 13% again you would want to be able to be much closer to 180 lbs this time. We can all assume as much as we want how much muscle you added but you would need to get professionally tested for that and we're amateurs so why bother.

    got ya..

    I was just curious if it was personal preference as to what to cut to, or if there was a 'tried 'and true method"..

    I have been taking measurements..and all of my measurements have increased from when I I have gained something! LOL

    When running these cycles it's all personal preference. Some guys don't mind remaining at 12 or 13% in the summer. Some want to get to 10 or just below. Everyone has different goals. Remaining at 12% during the summer is not conducive to my super vanity goals so I go under that.

    ha, I hear ya...

    When you cut do you go aggressive = 1 pound per week ...or do you kind of ease into it at .5 pound per week loss...
    I go straight into it. I can cut on about 1900-2000 so I don't really mind going straight into a 1 lb cut. I shorten my eating window and I eliminate my bagel and cookies and I barely feel the drop. I start to reduce my rate after a couple weeks. I can honestly go for even less than half a pound and hit my goal by mid June. One thing I don't do is wait until the last minute to cut.

    got ya...

    for me I cut on about 2000 to 2200....

    agree on waiting till last minute would be a bad idea...
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    3laine75 wrote: »
    Last time (and planning to this time too) I went below my start weight on the cut BUT I'm 100% sure, I'm doing it wrong.

    I have a lack of discipline that means I'm bulking again, when really I should've cut down to optimum bf%. I'm not really that bothered about getting there quick or having a bit of extra fat on me though.

    Depends how you feel I think.

    I was thinking of going easy with a .5 pound per week loss to retain as much muscle as possible and get lean at same time...

    beach season comes quickly in Florida!

    That's what I went with first time round too - and I don't feel like I lost much muscle.

    Again, I was far from optimum bf% at the start but I was delighted with results. Like I say, I'm doing it wrong but I'm happy with where it's going.

    I think you'll only really be able to judge it once you're into the cut and see what's actually happening - play it by ear, good chance you'll look fabulous at a heavier weight than you think.