Transitioning off Medifast

Hi all,
I'm new to MyFitnessPal. I have been doing the Medifast program (meal replacement plus one lean protein/non-starchy vegetable self-prepared meal) for the past year, and I lost 35lbs. I lost that weight in the first half of being on MF, and then pretty much plateaued after that. It's very rigid, and while I do think it works, but it only works if you can work it! And I'm just tired of the inflexibility. It doesn't suit my lifestyle long-term.
SO, here I am. I'm trying to figure out what and how to transition. I'd love to know if there are any ex-MF'ers out there who have gone on to have continued success with something else. I want to learn to eat healthily and to fuel my body, for optimum health, not just weight loss. I reckon I have about 20-30lbs still left to lose and I'm willing to lose it at a slower pace. I am a bit terrified of putting weight back on since I'll be stopping MF pretty shortly - it's fairly low-cal.
I have thought about doing Weight Watchers, and logging on here too. Or maybe just do the MFP calorie counter and figure it out from there?
Any advice is welcome!


  • tarisa22
    tarisa22 Posts: 4
    just curious if you have implemented exercise? if so what kind?
    I also have been on medifast, I lost 20 lbs in 2 months and somewhat plateaued but also didn’t stay on plan 100% for third month. I plan on getting back on because I also have 20 more I want to lose.
    I think if you start doing some weight training you will notice a change! I would get a work out video at walmart like jillian (10 bucks) and some hand weights (maybe $15) and just start doing that daily.
    eating is a huge part of results! I would think you had a medifast coach to help you with the transition? I don’t mean its not okay to ask people on here but I was just wondering what advice they gave you.
    I found that even while I was on medifast, that logging in my food on myfitnesspal helped me stay on track.
    I think its a great way to manage your food intake. if you decide you want to treat yourself, at the end of the day you log that in, and then you have to be accountable for it. its always nice that mfp subtracts your calories for your daily total if you exercise! sometime I get notifications that I am eating too little. but if you arent very active it isn’t really an issue. Its just something you don’t want to do every single day. but if you are active you need to eat! to put it as simple as possible I just mostly stay away from processed foods and sugar and I am good! not everyone has the genetics to tolerate these chemicals so we just have to think of it like we are allergic to it! my son asked me the other day if I wanted something, and he says are you allergic? I was surprised he knew what that was, then i said no, he goes oh your on your diet? kinda interesting now that i think about it....
    good luck and I hope some of this helps.