Fasting 5:2



  • gillystevas
    gillystevas Posts: 2 Member
    I have done it for health reasons and one of the benefits is that you do lose weight. However, good planning is a must and it is not a green light to eat whatever you want for the other days of the week.

    I think the diet works for people who have realistic expectations (i.e. weightloss is slow and steady). It is probably not the best diet for those who prefer to graze all day, I would say they would be best to stick to something else, perhaps the GI foods that will leave them feeling fuller through the day.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    edited January 2015
    It is probably not the best diet for those who prefer to graze all day, I would say they would be best to stick to something else, perhaps the GI foods that will leave them feeling fuller through the day.
    Yet it was the diet recommended for 'Constant Cravers' in the recent Horizon programme "What's the Right Diet For You", as it re-educates their eating habits. Also, 5 x 100 cal snacks a day is doable. (At least, thats what I am planning on doing when I start the 5:2 diet next week :smile: )

  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Try this group: you'll find lots of people following the diet plan here.
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    I am doing 5:2. I have done it before and liked it. I never have to lose much weight, usually 5-10 pounds and this way works very well.

    I plan my 2 days carefully and I use 600 cals as my rule. I do manage to get three small meals in and use Tuesday/Wednesday as my "fast" days. I do not get to the point where I am starving because I do work to find low calorie foods that are filling.

    For breakfast I have a Vega choc a lot smoothie made with almond milk (30 cals per cup) So 120 for a good start to the day.

    Lunch tends to be egg and veg bake (90 cals) with a cup of soup, usually tomato (100 cals)

    A huge dish of roast veggies is easily done under 150 cals, with a small piece of haddock (60 cals). Makes great dinner.

    A cup of fresh berries before bed (70 cals) and one cup almond milk to have in tea along the way.

    I know this is not for everyone, but for people who already are not between meal snackers this is very doable.

    The other days I eat normally, still do not snack between meals, plus right now I am doing Dry January which makes it easy to stay sensible.

    When people immediately toss "starvation mode" in people faces it stops them sharing. There is not enough proof that starvation mode is a reality when doing a fasting lifestyle. MFP throws up a warning when you are under 1200 cals, that arbitrary line, does it also throw up a warning when you eat too much and might start to gain? Perhaps it should.
  • Tylerbrook01
    Tylerbrook01 Posts: 14 Member
    Would you exercise on fast days? Or would you have those as your rest days? And would I still have 1200 cals on none fast days? X
  • bogwoppt1
    bogwoppt1 Posts: 159 Member
    edited January 2015
    On non fast days you eat normal calories. As in, whatever your body needs per day to maintain it's size. For me that is 1500 cals.

    Some days I run, but no more than 5k, I will often walk.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Been doing this for two and a half years both for weight loss and maintenance.
    Wonder when "starvation mode" is going to kick in? :smiley:

    Suited me far better than every day calorie restriction for weight loss and this way of eating fits really well into my life.
    Also finds it supports a very heavy training regime extremely well. At the moment following a 6:1 pattern (six days small surplus to cancel out the one day large deficit).
  • ButterflyMyles
    ButterflyMyles Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    I did it for about 3 months, a combination of alternate day and 5:2. I have mixed feelings about it. I think it can work really well for some people as a weight loss tool and there are other health benefits. I lost a few inches in the short time I did it but not more than I would have just restricting calories any other way. I really wanted this to be a sustainable weight loss tool for me but it just wasn't. I liked the idea of only having to count calories 2 days a week or every other day but I got frustrated that I wasn't really losing much and was then told that I'm supposed to count calories on the non fast days too to make sure I'm not eating too much. So I thought what is the point of that, I may as well just go back to 1500 calories a day every day (which is how I initially lost 60lbs or so) and see the weight come of consistently and not starve myself for two days a week - some days I found it easy to stick to the 500 cal and some days it was really hard. So I got the myfitness pal app and have been using it consistently for the past two weeks and I'm hooked! I love seeing my nutrition tables and making sure I'm eating all the right stuff. I did like certain elements of fasting though so I am incorporating the 16:8 method too which means I only eat between 12 and 8pm which is not hard for me at all and I log everything and stick to 1500. If 5:2 works for you that's great, you'll only know by trying though. Good luck!
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys. Glad to see some really constructive comments. Mostly positive, which is great. I'm at the point were I've been counting calories for almost a year.. Im very much in control of my eating now. I think if I were to attempt this a year ago I would be setting myself up to fail tremendously. I plan to eat at a very small deficit (-200cals from maintenance, would this be ok?) for 5 days then have 600 for the other 2. I still have 20kg to get to goal.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've done IF for just on 2 years now...... not starving, not hungry..... I go every 2nd day with 0 calories. It's normal for me to do it now. I'd rather this than restrict daily. I run faster & have more energy on the days I don't eat. I'm not in starvation mode. I don't binge. I'm not lacking anything & not deprived of anything........ feel like a full large pizza anyone? And I don't ever count a single calorie...... like ever.

    Just because YOU can't do it, or know someone who did it...... does not mean it does not work.

    By the way..... it's meant for HEALTH reasons not weight reasons .....weight loss is just a bonus. I don't need to lose anything...... but I still do it..... and I've not put on even a single gram of weight.

    You don't HAVE to eat the 500cals (women) or 600 (men) at all...and a true fast is just with nothing but water.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Thanks guys. Glad to see some really constructive comments. Mostly positive, which is great. I'm at the point were I've been counting calories for almost a year.. Im very much in control of my eating now. I think if I were to attempt this a year ago I would be setting myself up to fail tremendously. I plan to eat at a very small deficit (-200cals from maintenance, would this be ok?) for 5 days then have 600 for the other 2. I still have 20kg to get to goal.

    You are female...... 500calories for you not 600.
  • I think this fails for people because they eat too many calories on their feast day. It still takes a reduction of calories over a weeks time to burn fat so if you're eating 500 on fast days and 3,000 on feast days you won't get anywhere.
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    I think this fails for people because they eat too many calories on their feast day. It still takes a reduction of calories over a weeks time to burn fat so if you're eating 500 on fast days and 3,000 on feast days you won't get anywhere.

    Agreed. I've seen many people say it doesn't work for that exact reason.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I just stick to 500 calories one day and 1550 calories the next. Pretty simple
  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    I've done IF for just on 2 years now...... not starving, not hungry..... I go every 2nd day with 0 calories. It's normal for me to do it now. I'd rather this than restrict daily. I run faster & have more energy on the days I don't eat. I'm not in starvation mode. I don't binge. I'm not lacking anything & not deprived of anything........ feel like a full large pizza anyone? And I don't ever count a single calorie...... like ever.

    Just because YOU can't do it, or know someone who did it...... does not mean it does not work.

    By the way..... it's meant for HEALTH reasons not weight reasons .....weight loss is just a bonus. I don't need to lose anything...... but I still do it..... and I've not put on even a single gram of weight.

    You don't HAVE to eat the 500cals (women) or 600 (men) at all...and a true fast is just with nothing but water.

    As I see it the 5:2 is for weight loss reasons. I'm not talking about a "true" fast.