Intro- 15lbs to lose (total loss of 55lbs)

Polishchik Posts: 19 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello fellow fitness pal members!

I'm looking for inspiration, motivation and support throughout my battle of the bulge.
34 yrs old
Current weight: 154lbs/size 6
Goal weight: 140 lbs/size 4
Heaviest: 210ish/size 16
Lowest: 135lbs/size 4
Been fat most my life.
Grade school: 120-150lbs
Highschool: 155-160 lbs
20's: 160- 170lbs then ballooned for a short while.
30's: 138-145lbs.

I lost the weight by getting happy. Got a divorce, followed my passion, changed my career, moved, dieted and worked out religiously. It worked and I spent the early part of my 30's in the best shape of my life. I frolicked in bikinis, had other women envious of my shape, men fawn all over me, tell me how my body was amazing... Oh how alien it was to me, but honestly absolutely fantastic. As years went by, I maintained my weight and could easily dedicate myself back to a low carb diet with consistent workout for a week, and I was back to looking skinny (fit) after a carb packed weekend. I did watch my calories and never over did it on the weekends. As time went on, and my boyfriend wore off on me (dated first bf who doesn't work out), the bad habits: I worked out less, and indulged more. Going back to the gym for one week and eating right no longer makes my body spring back. :( took over a year, but I gained 15 lbs and look flabby.

Currently, I am on week two of a diet and work out regime. I work out daily, 60-70 min cardio with some strength training ontop of that. I eat 1000-1500 calories, yo-yoing my calories through the week. I'm a snug size 6, as it seems that bagel and cookie ( and whatever other carb) I had on Monday sure are making my body hold onto water. I'm working on toning up for a trip to the tropics, and of course losing FAT!
Pros: I look smoother, more definition, my butt is lifting, workouts getting easier (I can push myself more and don't want die everytime i get in the gym), legs have less cellulite and more definition. I gained muscle and strength. Feel like superwoman after workout! Happier, endorphins kicking in for sure!
Cons: clothes fit snug, I'm so bloody hungry at times I want to eat the whole contents of my fridge (thank god I don't pack junk food in my house!), hard time sticking to diet, crave carbs, fell off diet earlier this week, why isn't this working faster, i look bigger in my upper body, my thighs rub together (they didn't before even at my current weight!). Waiting for results..

So, I guess I am waiting for that one morning where I will wake up and look in mirror and go "finally it's working!!" I hope it's tomorrow;)

Any one near or around my stats?
Anyone been in my position? (Gimme your secrets please!)

Ladies, ask me anything, I've been there:) it is possible, just keep working at it, it does work!!!

Happy fitness and healthy lifestyle to all,
Polishchik :)
