Injury question - input from people into cycling/running wanted

LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
In the beginning of autumn, I started experiencing pain on the inner part of my ankle. It happened the day after an intense spinning class, and it felt like a sprained angle, although I knew this was not it. I could barely walk for a few days. After a break for complete rest, it started feeling much better, still bothered me though when trying to run and also when it was cold (like the beginning of a walk or first thing in the morning) plus when I was climbing down stairs.
I attempted at some point cycling, and while I was fine during the exercise, I was in really bad pain the next day. At this point, I decided to see a dr who said it looked like tendonitis (tendon under the achilles, sorry have no idea what it is call in English), but not bad, and he expected it to be fine after a few weeks of rest.
It has been 2 months since then, and I am wondering if the diagnosis was right. I have stopped cycling and running, do resistance and functional training only, with a bit of dancing here and there avoiding jumping etc. I can walk fine, but in the mornings I am feeling the leg tired, and if I try very slow jogging or power walk, after 20-30 minutes I start being in pain and have to stop. I also still have days where it is uncomfortable to walk down stairs. I am starting to get really worried and I am missing running a lot. Does this sound familiar to other people into running or cycling? I had tendons hurt in the past, but nothing like this! I am not overweight, and exercise regulalry, so I was not a beginner when this happened. Could it be something else and the dr misgiagnosed it?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I have had tendonitis and was painful. I would bet that achilles tendonitis hurts like crazy. All i wanted to say was I feel your pain, tendonitis sucks. Rest your heel and find other things you like to do because it it not going to get better until you do. Hang in there.
  • lapbuddymustgo
    lapbuddymustgo Posts: 4 Member
    Last year I was running an average of 10k 3 days a week. In feb 2014 I ran a trail/Rd run at 15k with a friend. Was a great run had a minor soreness in my ankle. I rested a week then started small jogs of 3-5k. My ankle pain progressed and within two weeks I could hardly walk. Dr diagnosed it as tendonitis and away I went. I have now been a full couch potato for a year. The tendon has still not healed and I can't run for even 1k. Due to pain and I'm completely winded.

    Definatley a life altering injury for me... Hope yours heals better. Go to physio, do the exercises.... Don't think time will heal it. :(
  • RunnersLament
    RunnersLament Posts: 140 Member
    If it is in the inside of the ankle and into the foot, it sounds like maybe Posterior Tibialis. In which case, I would suggest Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and Physiotherapy. The Post Tib is located beside the Achilles and runs down the inside of the ankle wrapping into the foot. It can be painful and tricky to treat and in severe cases can require surgery. You can read more at But please get a confirmation from a sports MD or physio. Relying on the "expert" opinions here won't necessarily fix your problem. Get professional help and get on the road to recovery soon! Cheers!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    FYI - tendonitis can take a REALLY long time to heal.