Clothing Question for the Ladies

firebloom Posts: 109 Member
edited January 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost 26kg now (57lbs) and I still have 9kg (19lbs) to go before I hit my goal weight. I'm in a bit of a pickle with buying clothes as I start uni in a month and I'd like to have some nice clothes but I also don't want to spend a lot of money only to shrink out of them pretty quickly. Most of my current clothes are from op shops but they're not really my ideal style.

For those that are at goal or close to it, I was wondering how much your size changed in the last 10kg?

I'm pear shaped and currently my body proportions are a bit wacky. I fit an Aussie size 8 (UK 6, USA 4) in tops but I'm still a 12 (UK 10, USA 8) in pants. I don't have that much left to lose in my top half so I was wondering whether it would be a safe bet to get some A line dresses that are fitted to my top half and then it won't matter if I lose a heap in the thigh area. Have any other pear shaped women done this?


  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    edited January 2015
    What I did as I started gaining weight rapidly, since I had no intention of staying that weight, was to buy clothes at Goodwill. A shirt is around $3, a dress $5. Lots of nice, like new clothes there. You can do the same as you lose. You need clothes that really fit, but it doesn't make sense to pay a lot. Just realized we're not in the same country--Do you have thrift stores/resale stores in Australia?
  • hellobirdie_xo
    hellobirdie_xo Posts: 31 Member
    I cant help much in terms of how you're going to look once you loose weight, but have you thought about maybe trying to swap clothes? That way you can get rid of what doesn't fit for stuff that will (even if only for a while & you can swap / sell it on after that anyway!) & it will only have a minimal cost :)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    thrift stores, friends, local buy sell groups.... all options i use to buy clothing on the cheap (regardless of weight! LOL!)
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    Your top size won't change much :) so buy tops you like. I'd go shopping in Big W for some nice jeans or as you said dresses for uni. you won't be too upset having to buy smaller pants later a good thick belt with a fancy buckle could work when your jean are too big :D

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    The shirts shouldn't change much, since you're about where you're going, so go ahead and buy those. The pant's, I would try the outlet malls, or stores like Target and Walmart, as they're inexpensive and you really only need about 3 pairs to mix and match with all your shirts.
  • firebloom
    firebloom Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah in Australia, thrift stores are called op shops and that's where I've been doing a lot of my shopping since I've been losing weight. I just miss having nice clothes in exactly the styles I want you know?

    I think I'll get a couple of nice dresses and focus on my top half when buying nice clothes and keep looking in op shops for the rest of my wardrobe :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I think the A-line dress thing is a good idea. I also have a smaller top than bottom. I'm never going to be smaller than a 2 or 4 on top, and if the bottom fits it in now, it fits in it within the next 5-10 pounds too.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't know where you're located but through Facebook there are "Buy Nothing" groups popping up all over the place. These are groups where people can gift things they no longer use and people can ask if someone has something they need. I'm in one local to me and it's turning out to be kind of fun. I have seen several people on our group ask for clothes because they lost or gained weight and others have stepped up and gifted them. It's not a charity thing, more of a "share what you have and you're not using with someone else who might appreciate it" kind of thing.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    That close to goal you might not shrink out of them as quick as you expect...