Mother & daughter (recipe help)

Hi guys. Myself and my daughter are supporting each other in getting healthy and wanting to lose some weight..Any ideas on recpies that I could use for my daughter,as she doesn't seem to like much on the blog page. Thank you : -)


  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    Hi there, I'm not sure what's in the blog page. For me I HATE vegetables and unfortunately I have to add it to my daily meal or I will never get to my desired weight. Have you been on Pinterest? try that place and if she likes chicken type "light chicken" and it will give you pictures/recipes etc.. you can try out, I learned so many new recipes through there. Good luck to you both! It's nice to see mom/daughter working together with same goal.
  • annie3571974
    annie3571974 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so much for your response,my daughter loves chicken,mince. Just got her onto salad but that can get a bit boring after a while:-). I'll have a look at Pinterest thank you for that. Good luck for you too. Veggies aren't that bad, just cover them in gravy or cut them up small, I understand the not liking of sprouts hehe. All the best. :-) Annie.