'Smaller' girls and rate of weight loss/calories eaten



  • pscarolina
    pscarolina Posts: 133 Member
    edited January 2015
    JAT74 wrote: »
    wkwebby I am also trying to eat lower carb and have increased my protein to around 80-100g per day if possible as well as lowering sugar intake so I am hoping that will help change my body composition.

    I would definitely be happy at 125lbs and would happily revise my goal to that if I was lean and strong, though I don't want to look too muscular, I prefer a softer look.

    You're never going to look "too muscular" on 1,100 calories per day. Women don't gain bulky muscle easily without "help" & building muscle while in a caloric deficit is nearly impossible.

    ETA - is there some event coming up that has you wanting to lose so much so quickly?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yes I've seen and heard that before astrose00, especially on here. I remember I was on this site a couple of years ago and saw some amazing transformations where people went from high weights with very high body fat % to very very lean. Some of them were eating a similar number of calories to me but they looked amazing and were heavier than I would gave guessed.

    Those people are my motivation and if I ever get to where I want to be maybe the scales can be thrown away if I am the size I feel comfortable with. I am currently a UK size 10-12 (I think US 8-10) but have size 6 & 8 (4 & 6) clothes in my wardrobe which I'd love to be able to fit into again, I just hope I can manage it.

    If anyone else has got there and has photos they would be amazing to see.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    edited January 2015
    JAT74 wrote: »
    wkwebby I am also trying to eat lower carb and have increased my protein to around 80-100g per day if possible as well as lowering sugar intake so I am hoping that will help change my body composition.

    I would definitely be happy at 125lbs and would happily revise my goal to that if I was lean and strong, though I don't want to look too muscular, I prefer a softer look.

    You won't get bulky muscular unless you eat WAY more protein than that and lifted in the hundreds of pounds. Since you're maxing out your weights at 20lbs., try to go to 25lbs. When this gets too easy or just you don't get sore the next day, your weights are too light. That's how I look at weight training days. On BAD lifting days, I'm not sore at all the next day, on the Good days, I'm sore for two. On GREAT days (up to debate), I am sore for at least 3 days after I lifted. Soreness after weight training is a gauge for how much you tore up your muscles, thereby allowing you to repair it into a leaner form of it.

    So what would you gauge your weight training days as?
  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    5'5" here, hope I'm not crashing the party. Every day I am jealous of my large framed, 6'1" boyfriend who can practically eat whatever the hell he wants. In fact, I gained weight because I started to follow the same daily diet as him for 2 years, and I ruined ALL of my 50 lb weight loss I had once earned. Oops.

    I won't say too much... but I wouldn't fast that often if I were you. I just don't think it's a sustainable lifestyle. You are trying to practice healthy habits that you can build upon with when you are in "maintenance".

    I know some people have success with that kind of thing, but I would burn out so quickly that way.

    Maybe try playing around with your cardio to strength ratio, favoring strength training a bit more? Maybe try different workouts to target muscles you have not previously been engaging?

    Above all, keep going, you sound like you're well on your way :)
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Wkwebby it's not an ordinary weights routine that I'm doing. In my gym I was lifting a lot more, but what I am doing with Body Revolution is more like HIIT training with more reps for most of the weights sections and shorter workouts so it would be hard to lift more for most of the exercises as they are around 15 reps in each set and done fairly fast. I read a lot of reviews of the program before I got it and the results people had by the end were amazing, not for everyone but for those who did it the way it was supposed to be done. Even those who weight trained beforehand in the traditional way Jillian Michaels recommends a 1200 calorie diet and she keeps it low carb which is similar to what I'm doing, so I'm hoping for comparable results.

    When I was weight training in my gym by myself I was lifting much heavier but for less reps and my workouts were taking too much time. I was getting injuries from time to time and losing motivation because I was doing it alone. I've got books and printouts I can follow but I prefer this method of training because I feel it motivates me more.

    When I've finished the 90 days I might go back to the gym and re-visit my old workouts but at the moment this works well as I can always fit my workouts in and I am anticipating the next workout because they get harder every 2 weeks so it stays interesting.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm about your size. 5'4" 125 lbs.

    2 lbs per week is not an appropriate weight loss goal at your current height/weight. I'd aim for half a pound per week. The leaner you get the greater the risk of muscle loss from dieting, so personally I think it's better to make sure you're not losing too much. I think 1.5 lbs per week is even a bit too much.

    You say you're worried about how you'll look this summer so I'll tell you a bit of a cautionary tale-- I ate at a reasonable deficit but didn't do anything else to preserve muscle. When I got to my goal weight I still felt terrible and unhappy because I had sacrificed too much muscle just to get to that "perfect number." You're not going to have your weight stamped across your forehead-- it'd be better imo to look healthy and fit at 135 lbs than it would be to look flabby at 115.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    nuttynanners my boyfriend and his diet is another problem I have! He trains too, he's older than me and doesn't have a 6 pack but weighs the same as me and is very lean everywhere else. He can eat what he wants and the worst case is he'll increase from 15%-17% body fat so when he wants to strip some fat off all he needs to do is eat less junk food and other than that it's easy for him. He weight trains 3 times a week and does cardio twice a week.

    When he's being bad with his eating which is normally twice a year, that's when I tend to gain weight because I can't sit there watching him eat chocolate, crisps or takeaways. I always eat a lot less of that kind of food than him but even a little contributes to the weight gain over time. I don't have my own chocolate or crisps etc. but I'll have maybe a quarter of what he has (or did before I started on here).

    He's not been well and he also wants to lose a little weight right now as neither or us were great with our eating or exercise over the past few months so I am not being tempted at the moment but I'll have to try and resist when he does decide to eat that way again. The good thing is I'm the one who goes shopping so if I don't buy any junk then he tends not to eat it, though he does ask me to get it for him.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Perhaps I could recommend working on you patience. You're losing weight plenty quickly, but not overly safely.
  • Hope2BFit81
    Hope2BFit81 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" 127-128 lbs, I have 1-2 fast days a week where I'll only eat a moderate dinner. I average about 7800 calories a week - some days I'll have 850 others I'll have 1300. The less you have to lose, the harder it is. I've been doing this for nearly 2 weeks. My goal is also 117ish. I be sure to have a protein drink daily, and have a good source of protein with dinner. I aim for 80g of protein daily. Good luck!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Sorry VeryKatie but I don't agree, and your comment isn't helpful. I am not losing weight quickly or unsafely.

    Hope, you're eating pretty much the same amount of calories as I am at the moment, but minus the fast days which I'm not adding in right now. Are you also working out? If not, maybe that's why it's taking you a long time to reach your goal especially as you're got less to lose than me.

    I usually have 2 protein drinks per day, one is a meal replacement I have for breakfast and the other is for dinner, though some days I replace it with a soup as I don't always want a cold drink at night. I have been aiming for 80-100g of protein per day though, and carbs below 100g.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'm about your size. 5'4" 125 lbs.

    2 lbs per week is not an appropriate weight loss goal at your current height/weight. I'd aim for half a pound per week. The leaner you get the greater the risk of muscle loss from dieting, so personally I think it's better to make sure you're not losing too much. I think 1.5 lbs per week is even a bit too much.

    You say you're worried about how you'll look this summer so I'll tell you a bit of a cautionary tale-- I ate at a reasonable deficit but didn't do anything else to preserve muscle. When I got to my goal weight I still felt terrible and unhappy because I had sacrificed too much muscle just to get to that "perfect number." You're not going to have your weight stamped across your forehead-- it'd be better imo to look healthy and fit at 135 lbs than it would be to look flabby at 115.

    Yes! I'm 5'2" and while I would love to lose at 2 lbs/week, getting to my goal in less than 3 months, I know that just isn't feasible at my height and weight. I find that losing more than 1 lb./week is very difficult and not realistic while also living life. When I'm within my healthy weight range, I tend to average 1/2 lb/week weight loss. Kudos to you for losing 1.5/week, but don't be discouraged if that slows down as you approach your goal. Instead of focusing on your disappointment at not meeting an unrealistic goal, focus on the progress that you are making and adjust your expectations.

    I really like a free app called Libra. You can track your daily weight and it shows a trend line (so daily ups and downs are accounted for and are less frustrating) and it also shows the date that you're trending to hit your goal. It's very motivating and encouraging! Good luck!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    JAT74 wrote: »
    ... it still feels very slow and I'd like to lose more as there seem to be too many days where I've looked at the scale and seen no change.
    You can't expect to see a change daily, especially not when you're a healthy BMI now. I recommend you log your daily weights in Trendweight or a similar app. Weight loss is a jagged-lined journey, whether you do it fast or slow. You need to be aware of your overall trend, not daily blips.

    The more drastic the lifestyle change, the more slow the weight loss feels. Your losses are actually fast right now. 1.5 lbs/week in healthy BMI is rare. You might need to re-assess your expectations.

    I know how you feel, though. I think we forget that past weight loss wasn't as simple and quick as we remember it years later. Or we forget the lengths we went to then to achieve fast losses.

  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thanks Leslie, I'll see how it goes I think. I'm hoping I'll start seeing a change in my body after a couple more weeks due to the workouts and if the weight loss continues maybe I'll start to feel better. Also, I think of my weight in stones being from the UK and being over the 10 stone mark is depressing, so maybe when I see the scale showing my weight in the 9s again I'll be more encouraged to accept a slower weight loss. Clothes will also be a good marker as I've only got 2 pairs of jeans I can fit into right now. One pair came from a charity shop because I was fed up wearing just the other pair and didn't want to buy new as I was hoping to lose weight.

    I'll check out the App you suggested, is it on Android or IOS?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I'm about your size. 5'4" 125 lbs.

    2 lbs per week is not an appropriate weight loss goal at your current height/weight. I'd aim for half a pound per week. The leaner you get the greater the risk of muscle loss from dieting, so personally I think it's better to make sure you're not losing too much. I think 1.5 lbs per week is even a bit too much.

    You say you're worried about how you'll look this summer so I'll tell you a bit of a cautionary tale-- I ate at a reasonable deficit but didn't do anything else to preserve muscle. When I got to my goal weight I still felt terrible and unhappy because I had sacrificed too much muscle just to get to that "perfect number." You're not going to have your weight stamped across your forehead-- it'd be better imo to look healthy and fit at 135 lbs than it would be to look flabby at 115.

    Listen to this woman.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm sorry, but I just do not understand why at 40 years of age and your past history of dieting, you cannot accept losing weight at a slower, healthier rate? You mentioned a few times how you are not going to be happy if you don't do it by a certain deadline. You have convinced yourself of this and as such, you can expect those results. Perhaps you need to address the underlying issues that cause you to have such negative self-talk that leads to self-fulfilling prophecies.

    It seems to me that you view healthy living as a painful, punishing process rather than the opportunity to see all the wonderful things your body can give you when you take the right approach...
  • ourtruelovewillneverdie
    ourtruelovewillneverdie Posts: 170 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'5.5" and as of my last weigh in I'm down to 133.6 and I lose on average about 1-2lbs a week. Some less, some more and I would eat an average of 1350-1500 most days. I don't normally eat back exercise calories though.

    Edited to add: my calorie goal is set at 1440 to lose .5 lb a week. My setting is lightly active due to being a stay at home mom of 5 kids under 7.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm about your size. 5'4" 125 lbs.

    2 lbs per week is not an appropriate weight loss goal at your current height/weight. I'd aim for half a pound per week. The leaner you get the greater the risk of muscle loss from dieting, so personally I think it's better to make sure you're not losing too much. I think 1.5 lbs per week is even a bit too much.

    You say you're worried about how you'll look this summer so I'll tell you a bit of a cautionary tale-- I ate at a reasonable deficit but didn't do anything else to preserve muscle. When I got to my goal weight I still felt terrible and unhappy because I had sacrificed too much muscle just to get to that "perfect number." You're not going to have your weight stamped across your forehead-- it'd be better imo to look healthy and fit at 135 lbs than it would be to look flabby at 115.

    I agree with this.

    I'm currently 5'3 and 127, planning on 115-20 as a goal. I had a body fat test (DXA) in late September and another one today. During the period in-between I've lost a good amount of weight (average 1.3 lbs/week, despite a stall in December, go figure), and lowered my body fat by 5 percentage points, which I'm happy about. But I've lost lean mass, which I did not have to spare, despite the fact that I've been weight training and doing lots of cardio (not that that necessarily helps) and eating on average 1600 calories. My lesson from this is that I'm going to accept a slower rate of loss.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2015
    JAT74 wrote: »
    Sorry VeryKatie but I don't agree, and your comment isn't helpful. I am not losing weight quickly or unsafely.

    Hope, you're eating pretty much the same amount of calories as I am at the moment, but minus the fast days which I'm not adding in right now. Are you also working out? If not, maybe that's why it's taking you a long time to reach your goal especially as you're got less to lose than me.

    I usually have 2 protein drinks per day, one is a meal replacement I have for breakfast and the other is for dinner, though some days I replace it with a soup as I don't always want a cold drink at night. I have been aiming for 80-100g of protein per day though, and carbs below 100g.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? I thought not, that's why I was worried. Most diets are usually doctor supervised if the NET calories are less than 900ish, which is what I kind of mentally calculated yours would average out to with 5:2, not eating back exercise, and 1100 on feast days. I might have misinterpreted. This is so they can monitor muscle and bone loss (which at low calories is a high risk) as well as the damage it could cause to your organs including your heart. High protein won't save you on anything there, other than a bit of muscle perhaps (though unlikely since you're eating below your BMR and your body won't be able to use it to heal your muscles if it's using it just to keep you alive). It can actually make your body secrete calcium and make bone loss worse.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Please ignore my previous comments. I should have looked at your profile first only to have recalled that you have been given copious amounts of advice and attention on these forums - almost all of which you ignore and debate.

    ALL of this information has been given to you on numerous occassions. I recommend you take your issues to a therapist.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Please ignore my previous comments. I should have looked at your profile first only to have recalled that you have been given copious amounts of advice and attention on these forums - almost all of which you ignore and debate.

    ALL of this information has been given to you on numerous occassions. I recommend you take your issues to a therapist.

    Oh. I thought the name looked familiar. Different avatar, though.