Treadmill and Weights?

I have been trying to get an hour in on the treadmill but wanting to add some arm weights -- Am I better getting wrist weights? Or just grabbing some hand weights and mixing it up?


  • wheelsjad
    wheelsjad Posts: 52 Member
    hand weights will effect your grip strength as well as your arms...wrist weights will leave your hands free to do whatever...
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Are you running or walking on the treadmill? If running; carrying weights will affect the way you hold your arms and ultimately your shoulders leading to fatigue and poor form. I would use the two separately.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Just walking for now that is why I figured I would add a little something else :smiley:
  • Hecklerz2015
    Hecklerz2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Mix it up and concentrate on form.
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    When I'm trying to torch some calories but don't feel like running on the treadmill, I crank that sucker up to at least 8% incline, set the speed to 4-4.3 mph, and grab my pink 3 lb. handweights. Doing this burns as many calories per mile for me as running.