Intrigued by community aspect of mfp!

Hello! :)

I have been reading various posts over the past week or so to try and work out how the community aspect of mfp works! Unfortunately I am still quite clueless! Do I just become friends with like minded people then we all motivate each other? How do we motivate each other? I would like to get involved as I find things much easier when I have support from others, but just need some guidance on how to do it!




  • lulupixii
    I think we all just kind of friend and motivate each other. O: Whether if its through mesagaig and just seeing how well they're doing on the feed. ^-^
  • EmmaLucy500
    EmmaLucy500 Posts: 6 Member
    I have added you as a friend! Seems easy enough :D Thanks for replying!