Super Tired...



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited January 2015
    I peeked at your diary. If that's all you're eating (<1200 calories a day), no wonder you're "done" by 2 pm. You're only fueling yourself for about 2/3 of a day. Eat more.

    ETA: I see this was already asked. If that's the case, you may still want to reevaluate your 1200 goal. Still may be too low for you. Try this calculator to get an idea of what your body more likely needs:

    If you do some sort of activity (walk around work a little or stand even if it's a desk job, clean your house, cook, etc.), you're probably "lightly active" (most of us "sedentary" folks really are "lightly active"). Set your level appropriately, maybe explore a less aggressive goal of 1lb/week, and enjoy more calories--your body needs them.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I did Atkins I remember that during the induction phase when you cut your carbs down to basically zero, everyone goes through what they call the "Atkins flu" which is more or less the shock of cutting out so much sugar all at once. Give it a few days and if you recover then chalk it up to that, if not then make sure you're hitting your protein/fat/carb macros.

    I also switched to decaf once and, well I don't know what happened because I just sat in a corner hitting myself in the head until someone gave me a real cup of coffee.
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Possibly a silly question but are you still getting the same amount of sleep at night? Good, unbroken sleep? Were you drinking more caffeine in your sugary drinks than you're currently getting? If so, you might need an extra cup of coffee in the afternoon to compensate. Are your new healthy foods comprised of lots of carbs? It could be low blood sugar.

    I'm ashamed to say I was drinking about 40-60 ounces of soda a day. Of course Dr. Pepper is my poison of choice so that in addition to my daily cup of joe- I was definitely getting more caffeine than I am now. But I want to cut down on caffeine a lot so am trying to limit myself to one cup a day.

    If I take a melatonin I sleep relatively well but otherwise, I sleep horribly. Night before last I took a melatonin but did not do so last night. I don't know if the inconsistency could play a part in it.

    It could. Trust me, I used to drink caffeine all day. It's really hard to quit cold turkey. I had the worst headaches!

    Try adding in another half of a cup of coffee in the afternoon for awhile and see if that helps perk you up so you can ease out of it gradually. It's harder to do at work but when I want a nap on the weekend I actually go out for a short run. Sounds crazy but boy, do I feel so much better after. Perhaps a walk to stretch your legs and get your blood pumping instead?

    We have had miserably cold weather lately but today was beautiful so we all walked to the grocery store and got a few things. Then went down to the park and did a lap around the path and played with the kiddos. I feel phenomenally better. Thanks everyone!