
Let's motivate each other. I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs.

My problem is sweets, like cake, anyone else?


  • rogueriverbrat
    rogueriverbrat Posts: 115 Member
    I have the same problem ,I love cake and cookies and candy ,
  • bobzodiak
    hi, my name is bob.
    This morning i saw a 75 year old billionaire do 75 pushups in 46 seconds, to celebrate his birthday. that's motivation! He was fit and trim.
    I used to weigh 180 lbs and now i weigh 162. in a couple of weeks i'll reach my target...152 lbs. Losing weight is easy if you have food discipline.
    anything that has too much sugar is bad for you ex. muffins and any other related junk you buy with your morning coffee. Just as bad are strudels, scones, cakes and all deep fried snacks.
    apart from giving up on junk food, another secret to losing weight is eating less. feel a little hungry at all times. Keep a dozen or so Roasted Almonds around. They keep the pangs of hunger away and they taste good and they are healthy.
    Walk on the treadmill for a minimum half hour at the highest incline. watch a movie on your iPad while doing this. after that do 100 crunches. initially do about 25 and increase as you go along.
    as you lose weight and your waist gets tighter, you will start eating less and less. keep a record on myfitnesspal! record Everything you eat and look at the calories.

  • aprilwilliams3026
    I totally agree!! I'm willing to be support for ya!! I'm new on here as well :-) I trying to lose 100 lbs and love Coke and Chocolate!!!!!! I look forward to talking and supporting you on your journey :-)
