For you, who is the person you're most excited to show your weight loss progress to?

We are, of course, all doing this for ourselves. However, is there someone you're most excited to have see your progress?

For me it's my doctor, he has been our family GP since before I was born and hasn't seen me since I was classed as overweight (I guess I've just been uber healthy?) It'll sure be a lovely surprise for him when one of the members of a family where literally every member is overweight and most are suffering from health related issues because of this turns up at his practice one day, 45 ibs lighter and at a healthy weight. I mean... future me will probably be ill because, y'know, I'll be at the doctors, but, oh well :) .

I've still got another 20 ibs to go, but the idea of this person in particular seeing my weight loss is really motivating! :) Although I'm also happy when my friends point it out and cheer me on :)
So who is the special person /you/ most want to see your weight loss?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    My sister cause we've always had a kind of weight competition between us. For years I was much heavier than her and then I started losing while she started gaining.
    I became lighter than her and then she joined WW again and lost it and now we are within 4 pounds of each other.
  • PackerRob
    PackerRob Posts: 8 Member
    My Personal Trainer, she is my biggest cheerleader and fan
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My sister cause we've always had a kind of weight competition between us. For years I was much heavier than her and then I started losing while she started gaining.
    I became lighter than her and then she joined WW again and lost it and now we are within 4 pounds of each other.

    Oh wow, that's lovely!! It's nice to hear about such a strong connection between sisters and it's so sweet that you're sharing this experience together! :)
    Aaaa I'm jealous! I've always wanted a sister but I got stuck with two brothers instead ;)
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    PackerRob wrote: »
    My Personal Trainer, she is my biggest cheerleader and fan

    That's lovely! Good to hear you have someone supporting you along the way! :)
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    My someone special, I'm seeing her in Singapore in October on her birthday (we live in different countries).
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    My sisters too. we are very close in age and growing up I was almost as tall as my elder sister and a wee bit heavier.
    By the time we were in our late teens the stats were: sis1: 5' and 98 lb, sis2 (me) 5' and 105 lb, sis3 4'11 and 91lb. We all kept pretty close to those weights right up until we hit peri menopause. Then the weight started creeping up and we all got a bit bigger. ugh!
    Anyway, I saw a very scary pic of me taken Christmas '08, and that was it.

    No frumpy old lady for me!
    I exercised and counted calories like mad for a year. Got back to my old 105 lb, and have been there ever since.

    When I saw my sisters next (they are in the UK, me; Canada), they couldn't believe the lean, mean fighting machine I had become (relatively speaking).
    I hadn't done it to be slimmer than them, but I found it very strange being so, and so did they. We are all just about used to it now.

    Lumber Jacck, I will be in Singapore for a couple of days in March. Very excited.
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I don't have anyone specific really! All the people I care most about see me often enough that my weight loss probably isn't going to be all that obvious to them, although my mum always comments if I look slimmer which I like, but also I tell her when I reach new sizes or a new low weight so of course she's going to mention it when she knows I'm very happy about it!

    I liked it last year when I saw friends that I hadn't seen in ages, I'd lost 30lbs since seeing most of them and it was nice to be told it was obvious I'd lost weight! (although my friends are all so sweet and careful to not insult me so they always say "you looked amazing before anyway and you weren't too big, but you do look really great now, you've lost so much weight!")

    I've now gained a bit back and I'm at 23lbs down, aiming for a total of 44lbs lost, so 21lbs to go! I'm most excited about seeing the people I don't see often!
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    Weight loss was my wife, weight gain (now) is my manager at work - he used to be a pro bodybuilder :)
  • GingerbreadCandy
    GingerbreadCandy Posts: 403 Member
    edited January 2015
    My mom. She was always incredibly think all her life, so that she always saw my sister and I as being big and has constantly been commenting on my weight these past years and suggesting me diets. If I manage to get down to the weight I am aiming for… she'll still see me as big. I have bigger bones and a bigger body frame than her, but it will be a big surprise for her. :smile:

    ETA: Oh, and once I get my training kicked into gear and get proper fit, my boyfriend. :smile:
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My someone special, I'm seeing her in Singapore in October on her birthday (we live in different countries).

    That's awesome! It must be hard to live in different countries :( She will be happily surprised though!
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My sisters too. we are very close in age and growing up I was almost as tall as my elder sister and a wee bit heavier.
    By the time we were in our late teens the stats were: sis1: 5' and 98 lb, sis2 (me) 5' and 105 lb, sis3 4'11 and 91lb. We all kept pretty close to those weights right up until we hit peri menopause. Then the weight started creeping up and we all got a bit bigger. ugh!
    Anyway, I saw a very scary pic of me taken Christmas '08, and that was it.

    No frumpy old lady for me!
    I exercised and counted calories like mad for a year. Got back to my old 105 lb, and have been there ever since.

    When I saw my sisters next (they are in the UK, me; Canada), they couldn't believe the lean, mean fighting machine I had become (relatively speaking).
    I hadn't done it to be slimmer than them, but I found it very strange being so, and so did they. We are all just about used to it now.

    Lumber Jacck, I will be in Singapore for a couple of days in March. Very excited.

    That's lovely! It's good you decided to do something! And awesome you got back to your old weight!
    Once again I'm so jealous of people who have sisters! My older brothers are bullies :P
  • BethLiam1
    BethLiam1 Posts: 15 Member
    My Husband.. He is my support.. If the kids interfere with my weight loss exercises he finds them something to do, he takes my grocery list every week while I am working and picks up all the healthy things I need vs what the family can eat without me.. He always reminds me to do this for me because he wants me healthy and happy.. When I met him 6 years ago I was a size 22 after losing 50 pounds (my max 7 years ago was 325). he helped me get down more to a 12/14 after having our little one I had stopped trying.. Soon as he saw I was ready to go down he has been by my side through it all. Never making me feel insecure or pushy for it just supportive..

    I can not wait to be at goal 60 pounds to go and walk out in that little black dress and watch his face!!
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    Larcher91 wrote: »
    I don't have anyone specific really! All the people I care most about see me often enough that my weight loss probably isn't going to be all that obvious to them, although my mum always comments if I look slimmer which I like, but also I tell her when I reach new sizes or a new low weight so of course she's going to mention it when she knows I'm very happy about it!

    I liked it last year when I saw friends that I hadn't seen in ages, I'd lost 30lbs since seeing most of them and it was nice to be told it was obvious I'd lost weight! (although my friends are all so sweet and careful to not insult me so they always say "you looked amazing before anyway and you weren't too big, but you do look really great now, you've lost so much weight!")

    I've now gained a bit back and I'm at 23lbs down, aiming for a total of 44lbs lost, so 21lbs to go! I'm most excited about seeing the people I don't see often!

    Yes the weight loss is always most dramatic to the people you don't see often! Love it when people see me and they're like "wow you've lost so much!"
    One of my friends didn't even recognise me at first :)
    And I wore my first bikini today at a friends birthday party which was lovely! :)
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    khanskitty wrote: »
    My Husband.. He is my support.. If the kids interfere with my weight loss exercises he finds them something to do, he takes my grocery list every week while I am working and picks up all the healthy things I need vs what the family can eat without me.. He always reminds me to do this for me because he wants me healthy and happy.. When I met him 6 years ago I was a size 22 after losing 50 pounds (my max 7 years ago was 325). he helped me get down more to a 12/14 after having our little one I had stopped trying.. Soon as he saw I was ready to go down he has been by my side through it all. Never making me feel insecure or pushy for it just supportive..

    I can not wait to be at goal 60 pounds to go and walk out in that little black dress and watch his face!!

    That is wonderful. A real team!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    The *difficult* people at work. Take that! Ha Ha.
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    ajnb88 wrote: »
    Weight loss was my wife, weight gain (now) is my manager at work - he used to be a pro bodybuilder :)

    Nyawww :) Your wife must be happy (not that she wasn't before!) That's cute that you look up to your manager! It's nice having someone around who's done it before. :)
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My mom. She was always incredibly think all her life, so that she always saw my sister and I as being big and has constantly been commenting on my weight these past years and suggesting me diets. If I manage to get down to the weight I am aiming for… she'll still see me as big. I have bigger bones and a bigger body frame than her, but it will be a big surprise for her. :smile:

    ETA: Oh, and once I get my training kicked into gear and get proper fit, my boyfriend. :smile:

    :) that's lovely! My mum also comments on my weight constantly, she used to be thin but now she's larger. It's nice that her little comments have become more positive now a days!

    Aaaa that's lovely and sweet :)
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    My husband. He's my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He is also the first person to let me know when it's time for me to go shopping for smaller clothes. :)
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    My sister cause we've always had a kind of weight competition between us. For years I was much heavier than her and then I started losing while she started gaining.
    I became lighter than her and then she joined WW again and lost it and now we are within 4 pounds of each other.

    Oh wow, that's lovely!! It's nice to hear about such a strong connection between sisters and it's so sweet that you're sharing this experience together! :)
    Aaaa I'm jealous! I've always wanted a sister but I got stuck with two brothers instead ;)
    I love having a sister and I love her so much!
    My daughter is the oldest of my 3 children and although she loves her 2 brothers, and is very close to them, she also always longed for a sister!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member