Emotional backlash after weight loss

Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

I have always been on a diet but for three years I was stuck in one place, around 72kgs. In January I decided that I needed help, so I started working with an amazing personal trainer and I'm 8kgs lighter, although it looks like more because I have much better muscle tone and shape now. I feel amazing and sexy and really healthy and energised, and physically I feel very strong.

But I have noticed lately that emotionally I feel quite vulnerable. I'm a bit more sensitive to small things like being excluded from a conversation at work or rejected by a guy that I like. I'm having to work through a lot more emotions about being single than I'm used to and also about aspects of my personality in general (I'm quite introverted and I feel a lot more shy lately)

It kind of feels like after all this time struggling with feeling inadequate because of my weight, I suddenly don't have to anymore and all these other things have come up to replace that.

Please don't get me wrong this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I've just been surprised at the backlash and wonder if anyone else has noticed this?

ETA - also I feel very conspicuous these days, like everyone is watching me a bit and I'm finding that quite uncomfortable. I also feeli less safe walking through the city now, I've had unwanted attention twice in the last month which never happened before.


  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Maybe you attached a lot of expectations around what would happen when you achieved your goal weight and shape?
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    also I feel very conspicuous these days, like everyone is watching me a bit and I'm finding that quite uncomfortable. I also feeli less safe walking through the city now, I've had unwanted attention twice in the last month which never happened before.

    this, absolutely. When I was bigger, friendliness was interpreted as just that. At gw, it meant different things. Took a while to get used to that and learn to signal things/draw boundaries differently.
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    yeah I experience a lot of crazy emotions
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I'm sorry you feel so vulnerable.

    I don't really have any advise...I'm a guy...and pretty emotionally detached, from most things.

    I think you've done an awesome job though. Keep it up!
  • Michaelsdin
    Michaelsdin Posts: 146
    there are actually study's I don't have much time but some study's prove when you lose weight you feel like an your being casted out of crowds and stuff
  • neetneetneets
    neetneetneets Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss first of all.

    2nd of all - that sounds like it could be an anxiety disorder? I'm no expert but it might help to talk to a doctor about it. Good luck :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Yeah, I have noticed I am a bit more sensitive as well.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Everyone gets rejected. Even hot people. Learn to accept these things and move on. Learn to accept that people will be attracted to you. Feeling scared? Take a kickboxing class and learn to kick some *kitten*. Carry some pepperspray.
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments!

    Anemoneprose, yeah, I am definitely learning that what I previously thought of as polite behaviour can now be seen differently and having to make some adjustments,

    Neetneetneets, I've never had any anxiety before but I will go do some googling to see if it sounds familiar. Thanks!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Maybe you are coming across as being full of yourself & people don't want to include you? <
    not having a direct dig just a suggestion.

    And well done on your hard work. Don't worry about people, you aren't always going to fit into certain groups, guys aren't always going to like you. Just accept yourself & forget the haters!
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    Everyone gets rejected. Even hot people. Learn to accept these things and move on. Learn to accept that people will be attracted to you. Feeling scared? Take a kickboxing class and learn to kick some *kitten*. Carry some pepperspray.

    Haha at 36 years old I'm thinking I missed the hot people bus :) but I'm pretty used to rejection so that's ok. Kickboxing could be fun though :-)
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i mean no offense at all when i say this.. but it sounds like you didnt work on what made you GAIN the weight originally. you are still the same person you always were. yes im sure you hid behind your body before like we all do.. remember your journey. you did amazing things for yourself. you knew your worth.. remember these things. find confidence in yourself. the thing is you have to learn to love yourself. i know its hard.. but you just have to work on that and forget everything else. you rock and you need to know that. good luck.
  • Nessalee77
    Nessalee77 Posts: 78 Member
    Maybe you are coming across as being full of yourself & people don't want to include you? <
    not having a direct dig just a suggestion.

    And well done on your hard work. Don't worry about people, you aren't always going to fit into certain groups, guys aren't always going to like you. Just accept yourself & forget the haters!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not coming across too full of myself, but it did occur to me that I might be boring people a bit with weight loss talk :-(
  • sarahlouisemcgown
    sarahlouisemcgown Posts: 1 Member
    The supplement St Johns Wort will help :)
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

    I have always been on a diet but for three years I was stuck in one place, around 72kgs. In January I decided that I needed help, so I started working with an amazing personal trainer and I'm 8kgs lighter, although it looks like more because I have much better muscle tone and shape now. I feel amazing and sexy and really healthy and energised, and physically I feel very strong.

    But I have noticed lately that emotionally I feel quite vulnerable. I'm a bit more sensitive to small things like being excluded from a conversation at work or rejected by a guy that I like. I'm having to work through a lot more emotions about being single than I'm used to and also about aspects of my personality in general (I'm quite introverted and I feel a lot more shy lately)

    It kind of feels like after all this time struggling with feeling inadequate because of my weight, I suddenly don't have to anymore and all these other things have come up to replace that.

    Please don't get me wrong this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I've just been surprised at the backlash and wonder if anyone else has noticed this?

    ETA - also I feel very conspicuous these days, like everyone is watching me a bit and I'm finding that quite uncomfortable. I also feeli less safe walking through the city now, I've had unwanted attention twice in the last month which never happened before.

    God yes!! Last time i was losing weight,i was feeling ok for the most part.But as soon as i reached my goal weight,i just flipped..too touchy,too needy and very vulnerable all the time.I guess it was all very overwhelming for me and at the same time,i expected people to be really nice to me as i thought people were mean towards fatties in general.Being used to ridicule due to my size made me expect a lot of attention and love from others when i reached my goal weight.Maybe you can relate to this in someway.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Everyone gets rejected. Even hot people. Learn to accept these things and move on. Learn to accept that people will be attracted to you. Feeling scared? Take a kickboxing class and learn to kick some *kitten*. Carry some pepperspray.

    Haha at 36 years old I'm thinking I missed the hot people bus :) but I'm pretty used to rejection so that's ok. Kickboxing could be fun though :-)

    Oh, please. I'm sure people were checking you out before you lost weight. Yes, boxing is very empowering. Learn how to knock somebody out and have a good vent in the process. It' could clear your head of all these weird "emotions". I'm 34 so not far behind and looking hot is my prerogative.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Maybe you are coming across as being full of yourself & people don't want to include you? <
    not having a direct dig just a suggestion.

    And well done on your hard work. Don't worry about people, you aren't always going to fit into certain groups, guys aren't always going to like you. Just accept yourself & forget the haters!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not coming across too full of myself, but it did occur to me that I might be boring people a bit with weight loss talk :-(

    Oh, people definitely resent it. It's hard not to talk about something you've experienced as so empowering, given what it takes. It's the one area of life where effort -> reward pretty directly, which is exciting. Especially because of all the potential a changed body offers. But no one wants to hear about it (I've learned ;).

    Women who want to lose weight but still think in terms of diets, or who aren't at a point at which their motivation's all in order to do it, can sometimes act like jerks without your saying a word, though. (Often, they're the happily married ones, who really are quite comfortable in their lifestyles.) So there's that, too.

    Mid-thirties = a strange time all around, I think for women especially. You're forced into taking stock - and maybe making decisions - in an uncomfortable way. But, many more doors open when you can find a way to enjoy what's in front of you. If the idea of marriage and all that's part of what's bothering you, look around - people increasingly marry later and later (or for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time), or not at all.

    I think you might have an easier time having fun, and accepting your life, and taking challenges on, if you find other single people near you who are doing the same.

    Congrats on your success :)
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    I used to feel the way you are. Though I haven't met my goal weight yet, I've lost a bit of weight, enough for people to notice. Granted, I've kinda learned within the past couple of months that people can be debbie downers. I've learned to not let other people affect me, my goals, and my feelings (though it can be hard at times). I've just learned to "do me" and if people can't accept that, then they aren't worth my time! It's kept me happier and I'm able to focus on my inner being. I've always been quite a sensitive person, but I would say I'm more in control of those feelings now.

    Once you learn to be able to be happy just being by yourself, you'd be surprised what you can learn about yourself and what you can understand about yourself. You'd be able to better understand and control your emotions too.

    I'm not sure if any of that is relevant to this post, just thought I would add it. :)
  • CharlotteTheCoffeeLover
    CharlotteTheCoffeeLover Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

    I have always been on a diet but for three years I was stuck in one place, around 72kgs. In January I decided that I needed help, so I started working with an amazing personal trainer and I'm 8kgs lighter, although it looks like more because I have much better muscle tone and shape now. I feel amazing and sexy and really healthy and energised, and physically I feel very strong.

    But I have noticed lately that emotionally I feel quite vulnerable. I'm a bit more sensitive to small things like being excluded from a conversation at work or rejected by a guy that I like. I'm having to work through a lot more emotions about being single than I'm used to and also about aspects of my personality in general (I'm quite introverted and I feel a lot more shy lately)

    It kind of feels like after all this time struggling with feeling inadequate because of my weight, I suddenly don't have to anymore and all these other things have come up to replace that.

    Please don't get me wrong this is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I've just been surprised at the backlash and wonder if anyone else has noticed this?

    ETA - also I feel very conspicuous these days, like everyone is watching me a bit and I'm finding that quite uncomfortable. I also feeli less safe walking through the city now, I've had unwanted attention twice in the last month which never happened before.
    I understand what you're going through.... I'm a thousand times more self conscious now than ever was at 300+ ..... I never would have thought that at 166 I would be so sensitive about my weight still... When people compliment me, I always say its just what I'm wearing...
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    maybe you re just normal now and have the normal expectations normal weighted people have but they are all new to you !!!!!!!!!!!!