i need Weigh in advice!

I have decided on doing daily weights... Since I work overnights(I do not consume any calories from 12a-7a I eat after my shower around 8am and workout until9am) should I weigh myself after I get off in the morning before my shower since it's the most amount of time between calorie consumption(stomach at its daily emptiest) or after I wake up from my afterwork nap at 2pm? I know the general rule is first thing in the morning but is sleep a factor in that?


  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I would say after you sleep, but as long as it's the same time of day every time (for consistency) then whatever time works best for you.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I second that. After you get up and pee etc, but before anything else. I do it every day and then track it on an app called weight trend that helps iron out the high and low numbers to give me a better estimate of what my weight actually is
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I work overnights as well. I weigh myself in the afternoon, after I wake up.
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    Ok I think I'm leaning closer to right after work because I do meal reversal eating my biggest meal after my morning shower before my main workout and having all night to work off the calories I consumed the day before... But I also try and drink 3 bottles of water on my overnight to cleanse my system and keep my stomach "full" which I've noticed has me feeling bloated at times but I guess it's better than munching
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Ok I think I'm leaning closer to right after work because I do meal reversal eating my biggest meal after my morning shower before my main workout and having all night to work off the calories I consumed the day before... But I also try and drink 3 bottles of water on my overnight to cleanse my system and keep my stomach "full" which I've noticed has me feeling bloated at times but I guess it's better than munching

    cleanse? From what?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    After your main sleep
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't really do a "main sleep" is my problem I lay down for 2 4 hour "naps"
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    So how are you getting adequate REM?
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    I honestly don't know I've never been able to sleep a full 8 hours unless I'm REALLY tired or I'm sick i mean don't get me wrong I don't set an alarm to wake up or anything I just don't sleep past 4-5 hours at a time
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Have you tried blackout blinds, ear plugs and meditation

    Inadequate sleep is not good for mind or body
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    I've tried earplugs and blackout blinds and have the same results I have not tried meditation ever not sure how to go about that
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited January 2015
    It doesn't matter on the weigh in. Just be consistent - same time every time.

    Some folks don't have "normal" sleep patterns. Mine is one cycle of 5.5 hours, and it has to be multiples of that. If I go 7 or 8 I feel like sh_t ... but I can extend it out to 11(2x5.50) and be back to normal. Who wants to sleep 11 hours a day, right? So it's been 5.5 hours since early high school 30+ years ago.

    The whole 8 hours a night is a myth, and relatively recent in human behavior. Humans have mostly been Biphasic - like you: 2 sleep cycles - throughout history, and we've done just fine.


    Don't buy the myths.

    Breakfast ain't "the most important meal" either, and you don't need "8 glasses a day"
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for the advice I have my own reasons for the big breakfast and large amounts of water but that info is definitely useful I have always done two sleep cycles as well I guess everyone's body is different and I will make sure to make whatever time I choose for weighing in my permanent time :c)
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I don't really do a "main sleep" is my problem I lay down for 2 4 hour "naps"

    While you might feel fine with that now, it will eventually catch up with you. I used to do that when I first started working overnights 4 years ago. After a month I started to get ditzy to the point where it was affecting my job. Please, if you can, try and gets some more zzzz. It will be beneficial in the long run.
  • lcouture1991
    lcouture1991 Posts: 30 Member
    I've never done a main sleep and feel sick if I force myself to I've been working overnights for 5 years so I'm no stranger to it I just never have been able to sleep all at once naps have always been my thing
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i would choose a time when you feel the most comfortable weighing and then weigh at that same time every day. i personally like to weigh after i've been up for about an hour, but before i eat or drink anything. i feel "lighter" at that time of day but of course i'm probably not! LOL anyway, consistency is the main factor, not necessarily "WHEN." my husband weighs at night.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Same time, place and bat channel.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    It doesn't matter when you weigh, as long as you do it consistently. I usually weight after I get up in the morning because I'm changing clothes anyway and I lose about two pounds of water over night. I would weigh more if I waited until after breakfast, but as long as I did it consistently, I would still see if I was losing weight because the weight in my gut would be about the same from weigh-in to weigh-in.