One step at a time

Onestep43 Posts: 10 Member
Hi all. I am a 43 year old man who has been carrying around too much weight for too long. I have tried everything from weight watchers to OA but I'm happy to report I'm still trying. I haven't given up on myself yet. I have a very supportive wife, two great kids, an anxious ShihTzu, and an ambivalent cat. I've signed up for the New England Rugged Maniac in September and I feel like there is an athlete under there somewhere that's just dying to get out. I'd love to meet people who are also on this journey. Thanks for reading.


  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The title of your topic is the right one: one step at a time. One day at a time. We didn't gain the weight all in one day, we aren't going to lose it all in one day. There is only one way to lose one pound of body weight: burn 3500 calories more than you take in. And MFP will help you do that. As long as you are honest with yourself, accountable to yourself and log everything you eat. No forgetting, no cheating by omitting things.

    But you can do it. How do I know? Because I did, and if I did, I know anyone can.

    Good luck and keep putting one foot in front of the other. One step at a time.
  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    It really is simple, but it takes effort. I've found the real benefit of using MFP is that you can track what you're eating really easily and that's what puts you in control to make the right decisions. Over time, all of those little 'right' decisions add up into significant weight loss. No food is banned. No food is off limits. It's just about making good choices for your long-term health and happiness.

    Good luck with it, and don't expect to be be perfect!

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