Getting fit with depression and anxiety!

I have been fighting depression and anxiety for almost two years now. It has got to the point where I have such low self esteem I am almost embarrassed to be seen by other people.

I feel fat. I am 21 years old, 5"4 and weigh 150lbs.

I have never worried about my weight or classed myself as fat. The past few weeks I have hit rock bottom. The worst part is knowing how other people can cope so easily with day to day pressures when I, myself struggle to get up and leave the house in the morning.

With work being unbearable, my confidence at an all time low and my relationship being effected, it is time for me to take control.

I need to get healthier so I can be happier - which is easier said than done.

So my question is this.. Does anyone else find it hard to 'keep going' and 'keep your chin up'?
And if so, how do you do it?

I know I need to change and I am willing to work for it. I just feel like there is a mental block getting in my way.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly accepted!


  • firebloom
    firebloom Posts: 109 Member
    Hey there :smile: At 150lbs, you're definitely not massive but looking after your health is always a good thing.

    I've struggled a lot with depression and anxiety too and what has worked wonders has been daily exercise and a nutritious diet. Exercise is great for the endorphins and I think the act of physically caring for myself helps with my self worth etc.

    I have social anxiety rather than generalized anxiety so the idea of going to a gym where people might make comments freaked me out. To combat that, I bought a good quality elliptical cross trainer. It cost me the equivalent of 2 years of gym membership (a lot) but I put it on a 24 month no interest plan and paid it off as I would a gym membership. It was the best thing I ever did. I use it almost daily and it's been a year and a half now so it's nearly paid off. I can exercise without having to motivate myself to leave the house or face anyone. It's great. That's just what worked for me though. I think it's a matter of finding what works for you.

    You could get some dumbbells and do a home weights work out and some crunches if you're not up to going for a run etc. Putting some upbeat or motivating music on can help.

    Feel free to add me if you want some buddies on here too.

  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm not going to patronise you as yours seems a lot worse than mine, but my depression comes and goes every few months, with the last few having me bordering on suicidal for a few days at a time. Those times I've not wanted to leave the house, and almost been in tears as I walked into the gym, but once there find it really helps. It's something to focus on, something in your control, and, although it's hard to believe (and I know it is), surprisingly few people at the gym care about anything other than their workout. (obviously this depends on the gym though).