Female, twenties, hypothyroid, hashmotos disease

i am going to copy and past a post that I had posted last year I think around March of last year .. Well obviously I did not continue on MFP because I am back again and heavier than I have ever been!
Hello, my name is Jenna I am 25 (now I am 26) years old and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, hashimotos, and my endo noticed a nodular goiter which was benign on June 12, 2013. I have family hx of thyroid issues. I first had lab work (TSH) done 07/01/2008 which the doctor had told my mom it came back alright and wasn't anything to worry about. I then decided to ask my family doctor (which I work in a doctor’s office) on 04/16/2013 due to my excessive sweating, depression, weight gain, and tiredness: which then I was referred to my endocrinologist from the lab results. Since June 2013 I have been on Synthroid 50 mg (as of end of 2014 my meds were upped to 75 mg ) I have tried to be on a diet several times and been on myfitnesspal several different times. I am struggling to lose weight. I am now going to try and start a new lifestyle, with no fast food no regular pop…and trying to eat healthy with some cheat days here and there along with trying to make it to the gym a couple times a week.
If there is anyone else that struggles or has been through this struggle please feel free to add me or discuss on here your struggle or journey!

I currently am going through a professional and trying out a two week jump start ..basically no cards .. So far as of this morning I am on day three. It has been hard but manageable! So we will see where this takes me! Feel free to add me if you would like!


  • tsouklaris
    tsouklaris Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track. Body is so sensitive to smallest amounts of sugar. You can over come. Be patient!
  • I have hyperthyroidism and unfortunately it is the kind where your body digests things to quickly so I am always hungry! I am 22 and haven't come across someone who is my age with thyroid problems! I have lost two pounds since starting January 5th which I feel is a huge accomplishment! Feel free to add me and maybe we can compare ideas!
  • I'm not sure if it will fit into your current goals, but what helped me stay off Coke (Not even intending to quit it) is once I started tracking I cut it down to only one a day, just a regular can. The whole not drinking your calories thing.

    After about..maybe a week, or so, I cut it out completely so I could enjoy a regular snack in place of it.

    Craving is completely gone and I noticed that I didn't have the same kind of withdraw effect from a cold turkey quit. Still even have half a six pack in the fridge at work with no desire to drink it.

    Just a personal experience; good luck!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I am quite a bit older than you are, but I also have these two thyroid issues.

    I took a look at your tracker. It looks like you are eating well, but that you are going to need to consume more calories and perhaps more fat if you want to be able to sustain this diet over time. Your carb consumption is in a pretty good place right now. After the two-week jump-start, will your diet change?

    My feeling is that exercising a couple of times a week is not nearly enough. 30 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week of moderate exercise is the minimum for cardiovascular health. I find that I need to do at least twice that just for maintenance. So slowly ramping up your level of exercise may be something that helps you as you move forward. Exercise also helps you to feel energetic, so that might keep you feeling good too.
  • jlmull88
    jlmull88 Posts: 5 Member
    tsouklaris wrote: »
    Sounds like you're on the right track. Body is so sensitive to smallest amounts of sugar. You can over come. Be patient!

  • jlmull88
    jlmull88 Posts: 5 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism and unfortunately it is the kind where your body digests things to quickly so I am always hungry! I am 22 and haven't come across someone who is my age with thyroid problems! I have lost two pounds since starting January 5th which I feel is a huge accomplishment! Feel free to add me and maybe we can compare ideas!

    I'll add you!
  • jlmull88
    jlmull88 Posts: 5 Member
    Kpcardona wrote: »
    I'm not sure if it will fit into your current goals, but what helped me stay off Coke (Not even intending to quit it) is once I started tracking I cut it down to only one a day, just a regular can. The whole not drinking your calories thing.

    After about..maybe a week, or so, I cut it out completely so I could enjoy a regular snack in place of it.

    Craving is completely gone and I noticed that I didn't have the same kind of withdraw effect from a cold turkey quit. Still even have half a six pack in the fridge at work with no desire to drink it.

    Just a personal experience; good luck!

    Awesome! Yeah I used to have like two cans Mountain Dew a day plus coffee in the morning !
  • jlmull88
    jlmull88 Posts: 5 Member
    I am quite a bit older than you are, but I also have these two thyroid issues.

    I took a look at your tracker. It looks like you are eating well, but that you are going to need to consume more calories and perhaps more fat if you want to be able to sustain this diet over time. Your carb consumption is in a pretty good place right now. After the two-week jump-start, will your diet change?

    My feeling is that exercising a couple of times a week is not nearly enough. 30 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week of moderate exercise is the minimum for cardiovascular health. I find that I need to do at least twice that just for maintenance. So slowly ramping up your level of exercise may be something that helps you as you move forward. Exercise also helps you to feel energetic, so that might keep you feeling good too.

    Yeah. After my two weeks my diet will change. And I'll be on a monthly meal plan! Can't wait for that lol! During these two weeks right now moderate exercise if any is only recommended. No high intense stuff. Which I don't do any right now lol so once my meal plan changes I'll be incorporating workouts