CKD/Anabolic Diet/Palumbo Diet friends

Swan37 Posts: 12 Member
I want to be 40 and! I have used CKDs many times in the past to get into great shape. Now I'm going to do it for life. It keeps me lean and my blood work healthy. At the age of 40 I'm not looking to gain tons of muscle mass anymore. Just want to keep what I have and stay healthy. Looking for others who have the same goals. Best of luck to all of you in your fitness and health endeavors.



  • detti777
    detti777 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm the same, over 40 it is bloody hard after a certain age, I'm happy to join. I want to see my best for again, and i would do the female version,
    maybe you already lean anyway as you posted this in jan lol