Already lean. Trying to get ridiculously cut.

So I have been lifting hard for about 7 years but this year I have decided to really concentrate on my physique and obtain a single digit body fat percentage. I have been in a 500 calorie deficit for approximately 7 months now and I'm down to 185. I'm 6'2", eating 1900-2000 calories a day and hovering around 10-12 percent body fat. I intermittent fast most days, lifting heavy 5-6 times a week and doing 3 days of HIIT training. I am trying to lose1 pound per week. I have 1 controlled cheat day per week (2900 cals)

Has anyone out there ACTUALLY achieved single digit body fat percentages (8-9)? I am looking for pointers and any advice would be appreciated. It is getting to the point where the calories are getting pretty low and the wight loss is slowing dramatically.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lowest I got was like 11% …

    but I will just say that you need to keep eating in a calorie deficit, and hitting your macros/micros.

    Dietary and macro adherence is going to be the most important thing for those trying to get into sub 10% body fat.

    I assume that a 500 calorie deficit is a one pound per week loss for you, yes?

    Some recommend that the leaner you get you should re adjust to .5 pound per week loss…

    Increased intake will help get your metabolism going, because if you have been dieting for 7 months, adaptive thermogenesis is going to be an issue…

    that is my .02 ...
  • jawilder230
    jawilder230 Posts: 8 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lowest I got was like 11% …

    but I will just say that you need to keep eating in a calorie deficit, and hitting your macros/micros.

    Dietary and macro adherence is going to be the most important thing for those trying to get into sub 10% body fat.

    I assume that a 500 calorie deficit is a one pound per week loss for you, yes?

    Some recommend that the leaner you get you should re adjust to .5 pound per week loss…

    Increased intake will help get your metabolism going, because if you have been dieting for 7 months, adaptive thermogenesis is going to be an issue…

    that is my .02 ...

    Agreed. I'm thinking the length of my cut is going to be a problem. Thanks for the input.