Brand New

Hey All! I'm just starting out on MyFitnessPal, after losing about 20 pounds on Weight Watchers. Just got in a rut there, needed a change and I love the detailed tracking so I can count fat and sugar. Any tips on features people love, favorite recipes, workouts, whatever would be much appreciated!



  • First - welcome! Like you I rolled over from WW to MFP. You can't beat the tracking tools and it's a shift from points to calories. I think as you delve deeper you will find yourself with an activity tracker that feeds MFP (garmin or fitbit or whatever...). By far though, the best feature about MFP is the people - you will run into some motivational people with a capitol "M" - so enjoy!
  • coloradofoodie
    coloradofoodie Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and the tips! I've been eyeing that fitbit for while - I may have to your advice on that soon! I look forward to making some motivating friends and hopefully lending a little support too. Have a great week!