Possible to transform from stocky to lean?

huango Posts: 1,007 Member
Can you please share your stories/experiences on how you transformed your body?

I am very short 4'11" and have been chubby/stocky/plump ever since elementary school.
I've been on the same hamster wheel for many years.

2years ago I was introduced to weight lifting and I love it.
But I didn't really watch my diet.

So yr2015 is a new year. I'm focusing on my calories/macros, along with work-outs of lifting heavy and sprints/rowing, fun stuff: Zumba, dancing, ice skating, biking...

But having never been slim, I am reaching out for inspiration with hope that I can transform my stocky short physique to a slimmer lean one.

This is me: November 2014:
- short sausage arms
- short sausage legs
- a layer of fat everywhere

Would like to look like this.
How insane to I have to workout/cut my calories to achieve this?
All I have is time.


Appreciate your input, tips, suggestions,


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited January 2015
    It's called genetics and love what you are. Really <3 Be the best you can be.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    What is your weight?

    Do you want to lose weight or body comp?

    My advice is to throw that picture away and start concentrating on you. You do realize a lot of her build is genetics, and she also looks thin. She may be airbrushed too. A lot of how were built is genetics too.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    In a word..cardio.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't think it is possible to change your body type...if you don't have long legs nothing will give you long lean legs. That model looks pretty tall, like over 5'8. IDK I could be wrong. It is certainly possible for you to lose weight but it may not make you look long and lean. Just a smaller version of your basic body type.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You don't have the same build as the woman in the picture, so that's not going to happen. Instead you can focus on leaning out and seeing how great you can look. Don't kill yourself with tons of cardio and a super low calorie diet trying to look like someone else because you'll end up disappointed and you'll negatively impact your health.
  • djd89
    djd89 Posts: 6 Member
    first off, i think you look great... however, thats not what you were asking to hear.. so to answer your question yes! It is possible.. I was very stocky in highschool.. catcher of the softball team, I could squat more than anyone I knew.. strong but huge! What I found was that was all the heavy squats only made my legs huge! I started doing light, I mean really light weights and doing lots of reps instead.. and I thinned way down. Also start running and by running I mean make that more emphasis than lifting, I found that when i stoped lifting and started running only I lost serious inches in each leg in just a matter of months.. of course I was running 15k. every other day.. but that is so much more effective at thinning down rather than lifting.. I think that diet has a lot to do with it too.. ( I have no room to talk now, as I'm no where near what I used to be, or want to be weight wise... but I know how to become lean from a stocky body, as I did achieve it at one time and am on the same mission again with progress. ) I would start every morning with something filling.. oatmeal? lunch I always emphasized on all I could eat vegtables with minimal butter and sea salt.. that way when it came to my favorite meal dinner I had calories available to enjoy it.. as my most hated thing was going to bed hungry! I just dont sleep well that way, and I found I was always too grumpy to enjoy my kids or husband if I had to diet at night.. so I chose my dieting time to be during a time that was more do able like afternoon when my mind was more tied up.. I still counted calories and stayed under my allowances though.. and I tried to always include a soup or light salad with light dressing in dinner that way I would have something to go to for a "seconds" option.. its the little changes like choosing 1 % milk and low fat, low cal options, portions cuts and remembering that nutrition is sacrificed when your body eats cheats... so always try for a good alternative..like if you crave choclate cake have a square of rich cocoa. Or if you crave ice cream..make your own icecream out of a blended frozen banana! Good luck, follow my journey as I attempt to get back to pre baby weight and I will cheer you along too!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    This is Shay Massey. She's 5' tall and in person she look incredible. There's a good chance she has more muscle than you want (which is fine, it took her years to get there), but when she's walking around she just looks fit. I think "stocky" women have great potential for incredible bodies.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    Genetics rule here and your structure doesn't support the look you're aiming for.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    edited January 2015
    -->> So new question: please help post pictures/share experiences of leaner short women.

    "It's called genetics."

    Ok. Thank you. So this confirms my thought.
    I thought I was just fighting an uphill battle, when in reality, I was just chasing an impossible dream.

    USMCMP: "Instead you can focus on leaning out and seeing how great you can look."

    Ok. This is what I will do.
    I think my body fat is ~30%.

    Thanks for introducing me to Shay Massey.
    I am eagerly reading about her and her progress.

    I will focus on reducing my BF, to ?24%?
    -->> HOW best to do that?

    -->> As for my workouts, what percentages of it should be cardio, weight lifting, intervals?
    - do I need to run run run a lot?
    - if lift weights, should it be very heavy weights at 5sets of 5 reps, OR lighter weight at 8sets of 12reps, other?
    - do I do sprints or interval runs or power10s on rowing, OR more steady state, like run 3-6miles at a moderate pace?

    YES, i do understand that it's 80% or more about the diet impacting the end goal.
    I am focusing on that.

    My diet plan: I'm 4'11" and ~124pounds and at least 30% bf. My TDEE is about 1550.
    - I can't deprive myself for long before I go nuts and eat everything.
    so I'm cycling:
    week1: eat avg 1200/day
    week2: eat avg 1500/day
    and cycle that, so that I don't feel like I'm dieting forever. Yes, I know that's like losing less than 0.5 a pound a week, but slow and steady is good.
    I focus on filling real food and lots of protein and water.
    I'm using Myfitnesspal to help track things.

    On my low cals week: I have 2 days of lower calories, almost like a fast where I eat a total of 700 calories, so I can save some calories for the other days so I can still eat at ~1400/day so I don't feel deprived.
    So in the 2-week cycles, I'm only really "limited dieting" 2 days, and the other days, I just choose smarter food.

    I'm okay doing this for a bit.
    BUT My body is very comfortable around 118. It's when I get to there, I tend to hit a wall.
    I have to really workout hard and reduce my calories to get to 116. It's really hard for me to maintain 116#. My body is dense to be this low weight.
    I have NEVER been lower than 116 since I hit puberty!

    I would love to reduce my body fat and be leaner/slimmer.
    One day at a time...

    Appreciate your help in breaking my hamster-wheel cycle.
    Thank you,
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    A lot of our build is genetics, your bone structure also plays a big part. Even when i was underweight (I had a metabolism disorder) I have broad shoulders and hips, that is something that is never going to change for me. Having said that you can change your body fat percentage. If your looking for a lean look you want to do exercises that won't bulk up your muscles (high reps of low weights), stretching is also good. Honestly I suggest spending the money and meeting with a personal trainer to go over your goals and get their advice.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Sweetie, you need to love yourself. Keep putting in the work and you'll get there!