Microsoft Band calorie adjustment

(there is a thread on this - found it in web search but not in this form, so posting anew)

I use the Microsoft Band, and MFP.
Today I saw a big adjustment called "Microsoft Health Calorie adjustment" which was favorable to me, but I am confused by this. My Band reads calorie burned of 3200, where as the calorie adjustment was 1150 or something like that. This is the firs time this is such a big number. Prior to this, for the past several days the adjustment has just been "1".

I am confused by this. In fact I had a big meal today and no real workout (though long walk with the dogs). So the calorie balance was really low and I was dreading going negative with dinner. Suddenly boom - the adjustment comes me and MFP says 1243 calories remaining.

Is this a bug in the band or MFP?

Or does someone have an explanation for this?


  • I worked with Microsoft on this issue early this week for about an hour, and they said that they are getting the right values from the band. The issue I am seeing is that the calories reported in MFP is much higher than the band is saying. For example, my Band currently shows 1,027 calories burned and 2,666 steps. However, MFP is showing actual calorie burn of 1,507 and 3,544 steps. I've noticed as the day goes on, the calories burned in MFP grows further and further apart from what the MS Band is recording. I should also point out that this is *NOT* the Full Day Projection, but the value that the projection is based on. MFP text is "Based on 1,507 cal. burned as of 11:26 AM"

    I'm waiting on an update to a support ticket that was bumped up to the techs on Wednesday, and still has no response since.

    I'm leaning toward this being a Microsoft issue as I've never had a problem with FitBit or UP, but it's odd that MS Health is showing the correct numbers while MFP is not.

    Also, on an iPhone 5s with the most recent iOS, MFP, and MS Health apps installed.

  • I finally heard back from MFP & Microsoft on this. MS says that they are sending the correct data; MFP says they are displaying the data received from MS. Given that MFP works fine for Jawbone (I have an UP24) and Fitbit (I have a Charge HR as well), I tend to believe MFP when they say the issue is on Microsoft's end. MS has promised to get back to me with a resolution, but I'm not really holding my breath on this one.
  • mtcerio
    mtcerio Posts: 8 Member
    It seems to be fixed for me as of yesterday. Calories burned match between MFP and MS Health