
Hey - who else is doing P90x? I am mixing it with insanity but I find it HARD and usually quit half way through. Is anyone else doing this or finished it? If so what were your results like?



  • SnappinSami
    SnappinSami Posts: 3 Member
    I just started week 2, doing it with my husband, who is in MUCH better shape than I am. I have an easier time with the strength days. Plyometrics was way too hard for me (and gave me a migraine, even though I stopped half way through it), so tomorrow I'm going to try Cardio X instead. Yoga was ridiculous. I've never done yoga before, so the X part didn't make it any easier. I'm just not there yet.

    I say that a few times a week - "I'm just not there yet" - but I'm doing the best that I can, adjusting things if necessary. Even doing it this way, I'm doing way more than I was before. And I know I'll see results if I stick with it. Not that I want to be ripped, but I know I'll be in better shape!
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    The yoga one is hard isn't it? It makes my stomach muscles hurt SO SO much!

    Have you seen any results yet?

    I am looking forward to the end result however I am worried I might not stick to it because it is so hard.
  • jebrenna413
    Do either of you guys use shakeology? Are you beachbody coaches? I was just wondering because You are using the videos which are part of the Beach body products. I did become a beachbody coach and I can help fill you in on anything you need to know. P90X is very taxing on the body. I LOVE the turbofire series, and brazilian butt lift. Even the combat is fun! The shakeology I use as a meal replacement in the AM. I often do challenges depending on the series and checking in and offering prizes etc to hold each other accountable. Let me know if you are interested or want more information. I was 258 and I lost 29 lbs. I have more to go, but i have so much more energy and I am well on my way. These things and a few others such as the logging on mfp are really working for me. :)
  • grandevampire
    Almost done week 7. Couldn't make it through Ab Ripper X without dropping a couple Fifer Scissors until week 5, and I still can't do all 339 moves on chest day (all those push ups exhaust my core before I even start Abs!). Last week was also the first week I could make it through the whole Warrior 3/Half Moon/Twisted Half Moon sequence in Yoga X without letting my foot hit the floor.

    In terms of results, to be honest, it wasn't until Phase 2 that I starting seeing an obvious difference just looking in the mirror. At the 30 day mark, I had to look really hard to see the differences in the pictures, but once I found them, I had obviously subtly lost some muffin top and other lumps. Few weeks later (and I think it's because the Phase 2 strength workouts get more intense), tummy is flat and can clearly see some vague ab shape emerging, bicep bump when not flexing, but most of all huge progress since the beginning in terms of the workouts (I can now do several of the more challenging options like arms raised to keep things fresh).

    I remember literally Googling "ab ripper x impossible" after day 1 because I spent most of it rolling around on the floor. That seems funny now after having added an extra 10 Mason Twists on a good day for extra self-torture.

    All this to say, stick with it, and it will all get so much better over time without you even noticing it happening!
  • grandevampire
    Oh, and in terms of burning out and having to quitting half way through, I would say it's better to try doing less of each exercise (by modifying or doing fewer reps, or by pausing and taking longer rests) but aiming to make it through to the end, as each move throughout the workout hits different areas. I did this at the beginning, for example in Ab Ripper X (can you tell I hate it, but I love it?) I started off only doing 10 reps of each move and relaxing completely until the awesome video people finished their workout and moved on to the next move.