I am fat :(



  • Aclemens21
    Aclemens21 Posts: 55

    I started at 286 lbs! I LOVED food, anything and everything! my family celebrated everything by eating. I was In denial for a while, I knew I was big but I just kept telling myself I wasn't THAT big. Then I went to an amusement park and couldn't fit on a roller coaster :( I was humiliated in front of so many people I cried. That's when I decided to change. Believe me, it was hard. Even though I wanted to eat healthy, no one else in my family did. But, it's worth it. I started out slow with just counting calories and after a while i started doing at home workout videos(30 day shred) As of today I am down 60 lbs and I couldn't be happier!

    Just remember to take it one day at a time.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hello my name is Jenn. So, ya I am big; I am 283 pounds. I just lost like 6 pounds so "yay" but I still have a long way to go... I hate that I have let myself get this big. I was really scared when I found out I had jumped up over 280 afriad I would hit the 300 mark something I told myself would never happen!!!!

    I know I am over weight and feel like crap because of it I am not unhealthy in any other way which for some reason surprises my doctor's every time they double check me for any thing o.k. i am fat i know that but that does not mean I am sick I just have a problem with controling how much I eat I don't like sweets really but I love food and I am trying really hard to not eat like I used to, to not indulge and take complete pleasure out of food.

    I am hoping to find other's who are like me who have a problem controlling themselves with food, and need the support. I don't mean a girl who only needs to lose 20 pounds because if that was all i had to lose i would be sooo happy I want to read about some1 else who is actually struggling with being a food lover and being too big to fit in the booths at a restaurant :(

    I no longer want to be the fat girl but sometimes feel like I am the only one who wants to see change my friends that are big are not very serious about losing weight and I have no real support at home my husband though I love him to death is one of my biggest downfalls because he loves me no matter what and well pile up my plate just to see me giggle though he himself is very fit and has no problem with being heavy he can run miles without gasping for breaths I would die at least I feel like I would die if I tried to run just a mile.

    I just want to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel and have a friend who knows what the struggle is and well help and is serious that they themselves want to see change and are not afraid to admit that they are big like me but that they well change it like I am trying to do so hard well wish me luck and I hope to hear from you soon

    OMFG! I think you are my good twin. I'm the evil twin BTW:devil: , but I can relate to almost every single point you made here. FR sent! You even talk like me and write like me, and use lots of the same words. The hubby interactions check. The booth, check. The food lover and dr's visits beind ok, check, check. The feeling like crap because of the overweight anyways, CHECK! Light at the end of the tunnel is major for me and since I have it, I was always thin, I am always thinking how hard it must be for those who have no idea what they are aiming for, no image in their mind. For those people I think those body weight shape websites where real people post their size, weight, shapes and real pics are so helpful. I hope you don't mind I fixed your paragraphs and run on sentences because as luck would have it those are MY MAJOR writing issues too, and they aren't always taken too well on here. I wouldn't want that to impede anyone helpful from being able to see what you mean, and need and FRing you or just giving you great advice. <====see, i just did it right there. My post doesn't matter though, and my hands getting tired though, so I'll fix it later.

    437390703_d1cfa3b0f5_z.jpg?zz=1Light_at_the_end_of_the_tunnel_by_vahid_naziri.jpgLight+at+the+end+of+the+Tunnel.jpg there's the light, and there's the new you and there's a door, and there's you opening it.
  • As others have pointed out, you really aren't alone with loving food. I LOVE food, and sometimes I think I have an obsession with it. I find it disgusting. Sometimes, it's the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing I think about before going to bed. Gross, I know. I'm trying really hard to control it. Don't think you are fat. I feel like that's a degrading term to someone. And you have to think that at least you are doing something to change the way you look and feel about yourself. Good luck to you. I really look forward to seeing your progress. :)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I know how you feel. I started out at 308 lbs. I had tried every diet out ther and a few of my own crazy ideas.

    I heard about MFP though my doctors office, well MFP and a few other sites. I was somewhere else for a bit but it was too $$ and confusing. I came here and knew I had come "home"

    When I got it though my head it was not just a "diet" but a total lifestlye change is when the weight started coming off and staying off. Slow and steady but I finally got to where I am happy and have now been in maintenece for two years.

    First time ever at a Dr. appt I was not told I need to lose weight.

    I LOVE food, I still eat what I love but watch the portions. That and I don't eat certain items very often. I refuse to deny myself.

    You chose a good site and wish you all the best!
  • zithan
    zithan Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jenn...Though I am not female and cannot relate 100% with what you are going through, I wanted to send you some support. I, too, have a hunger that makes counting calories incredibly difficult.

    6 pounds may not seem like alot right now, but it definitely is a step in the right direction. Just keep doing what your doing. A loss of a pound here and a pound there will add up over time.

    Also, this is my second time for MFP. I understand what went wrong the first time, and I made adjustments. I think it is important for people like us (who have unwanted weight) to remember that setbacks are just that. Setbacks. You never fail until you give up.

    Good luck with your goals and never lose faith in yourself!
  • Fieryblaze
    Fieryblaze Posts: 3 Member

    I can very much relate to what you're going through. My husband loves me no matter what and that is as it should be for those of us who are married or with someone.

    For me losing weight has been really hard since I had my first baby 17 years ago. I started on mfp last year and the only way the scale was moving (when it would move) for the longest time was up. I finally got it to start going down just last month.

    What made that happen for me was I got my husband completely on board with me. He gives me the support and when necessary the courage to eat healthy no matter what. He also gives me that kick in the butt we all need sometimes when I'm getting way too down on myself.

    Get your husband on board with you. He loves you and will do anything for you. :happy:

    I have almost 100 pounds left to go before I get to my goal and it's going to be a long hard journey, but it can be done and I know it.

    I will gladly be one of the people who helps give you the support you need on your journey. You will reach your goal to get healthy and everyone on here would be happy to help you reach it. :flowerforyou:
  • I am glad to hear you lost all that weight it gives me a lot of encouragement
  • Thank you everyone who posted so far all your encouraging words really lift me up today I know I can do it and I am so glad to see others who are winning their battles it makes me feel like I well do this and see results soon:smile: and I am glad to know I am not the only lover of the yummy food lol
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    We were all FAT, thats why we are here, to lose Fat, I too weighed in at 283 when I started and am doing great, we are all here for one another, 6 pounds way to go girl, keep it up, and we are here with you on your journey!!!!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I am fat also, we should be friends :smile:

    Seriously though, I can relate to what you're going through. A lot of us have been there, and are here now because we want to change.

    I started MFP at 218, but my biggest weight was something over 230 (I stopped weighing myself after awhile because I was depressed about it.)

    I too enjoyed food too much and made unwise food choices. Now I eat to live, and not live to eat, and I'm slowly but surely losing the weight, and you can too if you try ^^

    Good luck to you.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    Your age has something to do with "not being sick" Also you have no idea what kind of inflammatory resposes are going on, it is a side effect to weight and obesity. Inflammation plays a huge part in heart disease, cancer and diabetes among others. Do not fool youeself take care of it now, it is not healthy to carry around alot of extra weight. Good luck!
  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    I am 53 and have stuggled ALL my life. I was very obese in grammar school and up to my 3rd year of high school. Then I finally had enough and lost 50 lbs and my life changed. Since then unfortunately I have put much of it back on, two times over. I lost it, regained it, lost it, and regained it.
    You are in the right place. Lots of serious people here to encourage you and help you. But ultimately its you that has to just say no. I can relate to eating for pleasure as we all can. Its hard to say no when your stomach keeps saying yes! But I keep my end goal in sight and believe its real and I can do it. Thats whats working for me now, but like you I'm just starting. I want to lose 45 more pounds.
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    SimpleStepsHealthCoach Posts: 121 Member

    When I first started my weight loss journey I didn't have the support of my friends, girlfriend, or even my parents for that matter - so I know how you feel. It's difficult to work hard at something each day with a lack of support and it's not their fault. It's nice to know that you have people in your life that will love you no matter what, but they need to really understand how you feel and let them know that you would appreciate it if they support you emotionally throughout your adventure.

    Jenn, I been through all the emotional ups and downs and successfully lost the weight over a course of two years. While it was an emotional ride, it was the best decision I ever did and I would be glad to talk to you about it one-on-one if you're interested.

    Best of luck!
  • Tarantula920
    Tarantula920 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm not a sweets eater but I love big meals. God, second and third helpings are my thing! And eating a large meal once a day is killer!!! My body stores it all cause it doesn't know when it's next meal is coming, I'm so erratic!
  • QuanishaMC
    QuanishaMC Posts: 11 Member
    Hello I know the feeling even though I am only 208 pounds right now that's because I lost some I was at 220 Though I am not as heavy I am. I need to lose another 35 pounds to reach my goal weight I to love food and love to go out and eat all the time but my biggest downfall is I love to bake and eat what I bake. I also have a husband who loves me for me but who is in awesome shape works out all the time and do not understand the struggel I am going through so I understand.
  • I'd love to be your friend. I started at 344. Im down to 281 now. I was "healthy, just obese". I never wanna look back at those scale numbers again. I'll support encourage and listen to you, I can relate and certainly won't judge.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Join the club, but turn that frown upside down! You are here and doing something about it. And you have amazingly supportive friends here who have been, or are going through the same thing!! We can do this!! I'm losing 2 pounds a week without feeling deprived. My diary is open - I eat about 1500 calories/day & I am rarely hungry unless I go too long between meals (& then I get cranky!), so I try to keep my meals at regular times every day. I'm also trying to exercise 30 minutes every day. I'm all about the power of positive thinking & I am dedicated to making this a life long change. Sending you a friend request!
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Jenn and everyone else. I also have struggled with being obese my entire life and finally made a decision to take it seriously for the first time a couple of months ago. I started at 285 lbs, which was my highest weight was afraid I would hit 300 lbs and give up completely. I've gained the weight through many years of being unhappy and depressed because I spent the last 18 years co-raising my 4 younger siblings with my mom and never really doing what I wanted for myself. My siblings are all much older and I'm finally at a place where I can move on with my life. Now, even though I have no real support other than fellow MFPers and a few co-workers, I'm finally focusing on myself and my weight-loss. Anyway, I know that I am fat and really felt it at the start of my weight-loss. But after losing only 30 lbs, I actually don't FEEL fat anymore, except sometimes during kickboxing cardio workouts, where I realize my body can't move as fast as I want to, lol. I still have a long way to go. My goal weight is 130 lbs, I'm 250 lbs now so I have 120 lbs to lose. But at this current weight I can jog and play sports more easily and with much more speed, feel and look thinner (check my pics on my page) and am more comfortable in my own skin then I have ever been. I have also lost 2-3 inches off of everywhere already through cardio and now weight training which I recently just started. Anyway, we're all in this journey together which I realized when I started using this site a month ago. Everyone has weight to lose, some more or less, and all have to start somewhere. If you want another friend along for your journey, you and anyone else can hit me up. Good luck to you in your journey!!
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    add me!! my name is Jacole and I started out at 285, and I am a foodie to the core!! I won't bore you with my story, but I think we could help each other along on our journey's. good luck, and welcome to mfp!! you have come to the right place!! :)