At my wits end, really need some advice.



  • OK I'll try eating less for a couple of weeks and see how I get on. I'm not going to mess with my exercise too much as the classes are designed so you don't get used to them and they are still a challenge for me so I'm fine with that. I try to change a couple of things each week anyway for variety.
    If I don't lose weight after a couple of week on 1400 cals I think I will just leave it and be chubbby and happy as this is getting unhealthy mentally.
    Thanks for your replies.

    For exercise right now, I only do two things; Couch to 5k three days a week and Yoga Meltdown dvd four days a week. I also eat about 2010 calories a day. It could be you are doing to much or trying to hard. But, I am not experienced enough to tell you what you are doing is wrong. I think that you have just not found what works for you.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    OK I'm totally confused now. TDEE?Adipose tissue?
    I'm really not sure what to do now. Eat more? eat less?
    I'll try eating less for a while if that doesn't work i'll try eating more om my exercise days. I'll around with it till something clicks....
    I'll keep of everything really carefully.

    The early advice of trying to eat less is solid.

    You were derailed (as these threads usually are) by someone with the opinion that in some way eating more would be beneficial. Such people completely ignore the calories you can get from your fat reserves (adipose tissue) and seem to believe that you have to eat to offset your exercise - which eliminates the exercise from contributing to your calorie deficit.

    TDEE is the total calories you burn in a day living and doing your stuff including exercise.

    If you want 10 different opinions, ask one question here ;-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do you weigh your food using a digital scale?
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    First of all, making your diary public would help people help you better.
    Second, are you sure you're eating 1800 calories? Because if you're not using a food scale, you're likely underestimating your intake.
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Yes I use a digital scale to weigh food, it was the first thing I did. Essential bit of kit.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion, eat more, eat less...

    Just pick something to do differently, whether it be a workout, or calories or whatever. Try it for a month. If that doesn't work, try something else.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes I use a digital scale to weigh food, it was the first thing I did. Essential bit of kit.

    Can you open your food diary. It will be easier to see what may be going on.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Open your diary--"Come on Clare you know you want to just do it...promise you won't laugh" yes Breakfast Club--but just open it and take the guessing out of it. If Sara has interest just listen to her. She knows her SHAT!

    O-P-E-N the diary and all will more potentials, but some definite answers once you open it....
  • servalan
    servalan Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry if you addressed this already, but if so I must have missed it...

    What about your inches? Your weight is stable, but your body might be getting smaller all of the time. Muscles weigh more than fat, so maybe you're burning your fat, though the scale doesn't show it. :)
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member

    Can you open your food diary. It will be easier to see what may be going on.
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member

    Can you open your food diary. It will be easier to see what may be going on.

    I've only been using this site since Friday so I wouldn't want to open my food diary yet as I would prefer it to be maybe a weeks worth to represent things properly. But to be honest I would also be concerned that if I made my diary public it would just be open season to comment and pick over everything I eat and do and that actually it wouldn't be helpful.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Are you sure you are burning over 6,000 calories a week? That is a TON of calories. Where did you get that estimate?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Join the Eat Train Progress group. Read all the stickies and maybe post your question there. Will help weed out the broscience.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Can you open your food diary. It will be easier to see what may be going on.

    I've only been using this site since Friday so I wouldn't want to open my food diary yet as I would prefer it to be maybe a weeks worth to represent things properly. But to be honest I would also be concerned that if I made my diary public it would just be open season to comment and pick over everything I eat and do and that actually it wouldn't be helpful.

    How were you tracking your food before?
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    Are you sure you are burning over 6,000 calories a week? That is a TON of calories. Where did you get that estimate?
    I didn't say 6,000 calorie a week. I said 4,500 cals. Its based on the average calorie burn for my exercise classes and calories burned from walking based on my height, weight, speed and distance.
    Last week i 'earned' 90 activity pp on Weight Watchers.
    Of course it will vary each week to some degree but not wildly.
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    How were you tracking your food before?
    Yes Ive been doing Weight watchers since last June
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    I'm sorry if you addressed this already, but if so I must have missed it...

    What about your inches? Your weight is stable, but your body might be getting smaller all of the time. Muscles weigh more than fat, so maybe you're burning your fat, though the scale doesn't show it. :)
    I did lose inches as I lost weight ,I've gone down several clothes sizes, although my legs and arms have pretty much stayed the same as I've put on muscle . My measurements also seem to be staying the same now although i don't track them as much as my weight, Ive been the same clothes size for several months now too.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    Okay, so no diary. What we do know is you have gained muscle. We also you do not measure frequently which isn't good or bad. I'd suggest measuring calf, thigh, neck, chest, waist, and hips. If you do not have a scale which measures BF% I'd consider buying one. If over the next two weeks you maintain a diary you could friend Sara and let her see it. You do not have to open it the public. Why Sara--well you have to get know her and once you do you'll realize the story, the woman, and what she brings to your MFP world will make you an infinitely better person for listening and asking. Good luck with goals.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I usually l do Body attack and Body pump 3 times a week each plus Body balance and walking outside. I work really hard in my classes and I'm now much fitter and stronger.
    I don't feel I can exercise more than I am and I don't feel I need to eat more. What am I doing wrong?

    You don't feel you can exercise more? You're just doing classes. No real strength training and no intense individual cardio.

    Here's the deal with classes. They're easy. Sure, they may seem hard at first, especially if you're out of shape. But all classes have to be geared to the middle. They have to be easy enough to be accessible to the newbies at the gym that are most attracted to them, while be juuuuust difficult enough that moderately in shape people feel like they've done something. But they are never so hard that people in above average shape are sufficiently challenged by them.

    You mastered Zumba and moved on. Now you've mastered Body Pump and walking and whatever and it's time to move on again. Buy New Rules of Lifting for Women to learn the ins and out of lifting weights and why it's a great idea for you. If you're physically able, it's time to start trying to run. If you want to get to the next level, you've got to exercise at the next level
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How were you tracking your food before?
    Yes Ive been doing Weight watchers since last June

    Did you track all your calories? I thought they worked on a points system and had 'free' foods.