Weight gaining tipps?



  • heykate4
    heykate4 Posts: 4 Member
    Serious Mass in at least a once-daily shake. Even if it's just 1 scoop. Add some juice, yogurt, and frozen fruit. I also sometimes add ground up flax seed, oatmeal, and/or hemp seed for extra calories and nutrition. It helps me hit my calorie goal every day. Definitely not used as a meal replacement, but an addition.

    Also, whole milk. It tastes better than the rest and has more calories!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    p_glo1994 wrote: »
    Yeah I weighed all of my food and then I'm counting the calories. Also in working out with a buddy that's why my workout takes so long (should have said that in first place) I think if I'm just counting the time that I'm really working out it'll be around 1 hour.

    What food has a lot of carbs?
    Thanks so far

    bagels, pasta, donuts, croissants...etc...