Nutrition/Exercise Help!

Hey All!

Last year I lost about 15 pounds through cutting out dairy and gluten and junk food along with going to the gym (I was taking Les Mills classes about 6 days a week). Some health issues and a car accident later and I put back 5 of those 15 pounds lost.

I'm now back at it..I have a gym with just cardio equipment next to my office I utilize everyday for about 40 minutes after work each night and on the weekends when I'm home I go to my Les Mills classes.

I started at it again on December 29th 2014. I began this leg of the weight loss struggle at 150 lbs. with a goal of 125-130 lbs. (I am 5'4 and 25 years old for normalcy reference) Since then I've lost between 3 and 4 pounds putting me at about a pound a week which I know is normal and safe weight loss but last year when I did this it came off a little quicker and it's getting frustrating because each day when I step on the scale it goes between 146 and 147...and it's been steadily bouncing between the two and it's driving me crazy..I feel like there should be a little more progress right now. I've changed what I eat and started moving my body everyday so what, in your opinion gives? There are a few days (especially when I know I'm not going to the gym or I'm too busy to eat or prepare something) I'm significantly under my 1200 calories...but most days I've been between 1000 and 1200 in terms of what I've eaten. Any advice on how to maintain losing weight and not stay stagnant would be greatly appreciated!



  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Are you weighing and logging your food accurately?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    you lost weight through eating at a calorie defecit - it wasn't dairy or gluten it was because your energy expenditure was higher than your energy input of food and drink

    you know 1lb a week is a good healthy weight loss

    you know weight loss is not linear

    so swallow down your impatience - log and eat back 50% exercise calories, weigh and log all food and don't go under your allowance
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    edited January 2015
    You don't have so much to lose now so it will be slow. Also weight loss is not linear so there will be weeks when you don't lose anything although you're doing everything right. Last time I was doing this (just getting back on the wagon) I'd sometimes go 6 weeks without seeing a drop in weight but then 6lbs would just drop off. I've been back to trying to lose some regained weight for about 3 weeks now and so far I've only lost 1 1/2 lbs because I'm at a lower weight anyway.