Hi everybody I'm grace, and I am trying fitnesspal again. I have been on here before but I wasnt motivated at all and didn' really put in any effort. I am hoping to lose 15+ pounds before march 30th because i am going on vacation and have to squeeze into a swimsuit. = - (


  • Looking for ideas and motivating friends
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Eat at a deficit.
    Workout if that interests you.
    Pinterest is a great resource for recipes. I've tried tons of recipes from there, some I modified to make them fit my calorie or macro goals, but most of them have been delicious.
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    agree with the above post. pinterest is my motivation! Love the quotes and photos and recipies etc. Im also on holiday end of March! Lets do this :D
  • Nachos88
    Nachos88 Posts: 47 Member
    Add me! Sometimes we need encouragement and people to talk to to help us through the struggle. Eat healthy, smaller portions, and if u don't like exercising, try walking, its easy and it helps.

  • suky7
    suky7 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2015
    you can add me, i'm fed up of having to breath in when putting on my skinny jeans! Aim is to lose about the same amount by end of march. Lets do this!
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
    friends are always welcome.
  • leap314
    leap314 Posts: 75 Member
    Ditto, had fourth baby at end of October and I don't want to be fat anymore!
  • Elizabeth1038
    Elizabeth1038 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way. I keep say I'm going to do this but, then get down on my self because I don't see the results I want then quit. This time thou I thought I would try something different. I never blog or talk to anyone or have friends do this with me. So that's my goal this time to widen out (not my butt, but you know) and find things that will keep me motivated. Like what do ya'll ( i'm a texan) try from Pintrest? I have Pintrest but I'm not very good at it. How do you get good recipes?
  • Thanks guys! U r very motivational. Lets do this! = )
  • Hi All
    MY name is Carolyn and I have always battled my weight. When I was a teen I was super active so that kept me lean but I was always heavier than my friends weight wise. Even now, friends that are the same size as me are often 20-30 lbs lighter. I don't get it. I also have to say I hate the BMI. It is a load of crap. Anyway, looking for some support and to make some new MFP friends to help cheer eachother on and get this once and for all. I wear a size 16 now and want to get down to a size 8 or 10 within a year. That would be about 50-60 lbs I think. please let me know if you would like to help motivate and keep each other accountable! Thanks
  • losingweight1981
    losingweight1981 Posts: 21 Member
    I am the same I'm determined to lose weight!! Hate the way I look, I look so much older than I actually am
  • This is Jamie Leigh and mommy of two girls under 3 years. After two c sections and winter babies in 3 years, I am trying to take off some pounds. My motivation is my girls, I want to play with them, not watch. I got a fitbit and have been at this since Christmas and am 8 pounds down. Sometimes we need that extra cheer team. Good luck to everyone, Starting is the hard part.
  • Congrats! Good for you mytinkersoul!
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Hey all, I joined here about 2 weeks ago and the support has been amazing. I joined slimming world also and am down 5 pounds and will be weighing in again 2moro. I'm blogging about my journey here - https://awordygirly.wordpress.com/ and feel free to add me :-)